Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (2024)

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#1521April 22, 2024 15:58:49

500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Some updates

Dark Tide

I tweaked the synopsis a bit to fit better

When a deadly terrorist attack by the Broken Circle threatens the security of the Republic, the Jedi Council dispatches Qui-Gon Jinn, his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Jedi Knight Kit Fisto to find out who was behind the attack. As the Jedi hunt down the terrorist, they find that he is far more dangerous than any ordinary criminal.

Darth Bane

I finished the trilogy a couple months ago but I’ve been busy with other stuff and haven’t had time to come up with plot ideas. When I do I’ll share it.

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo

#1522April 22, 2024 18:41:37

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

jcpbuilder wrote:

Some updates

Dark Tide

I tweaked the synopsis a bit to fit better

When a deadly terrorist attack by the Broken Circle threatens the security of the Republic, the Jedi Council dispatches Qui-Gon Jinn, his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Jedi Knight Kit Fisto to find out who was behind the attack. As the Jedi hunt down the terrorist, they find that he is far more dangerous than any ordinary criminal.

Darth Bane

I finished the trilogy a couple months ago but I’ve been busy with other stuff and haven’t had time to come up with plot ideas. When I do I’ll share it.

Looks good

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Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Making games, animations, and books

#1523April 25, 2024 20:16:24

500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Codey, so I’ve been looking back at Ruin and… it doesn’t seem to live up to the standards of The Swamp. If you think it's fine as it is(or you’ve already invested too much time editing it and stuff), then I’m okay with sharing this version, but if not, and if it’s not too much trouble, could I give Ruin another try? It’ll be shorter than it is now since I’m thinking about cutting out some stuff. It’s a long time until it needs to come out anyway. I can even put it into a project after it's edited if that saves you time and then you can copy that to put together with the cover and stuff to release on the account. Again, if you think it’s fine as is we can just go ahead with what we have now.

I know I keep writing and re-writing but I think I actually have a good plot with character development for Jorund (which was lacking in the others)

Also, this does not mean that I will not continue to work on Dark Tide. I will continue to work on it when I have ideas

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo

#1524April 25, 2024 21:38:31

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

jcpbuilder wrote:

Codey, so I’ve been looking back at Ruin and… it doesn’t seem to live up to the standards of The Swamp. If you think it's fine as it is(or you’ve already invested too much time editing it and stuff), then I’m okay with sharing this version, but if not, and if it’s not too much trouble, could I give Ruin another try? It’ll be shorter than it is now since I’m thinking about cutting out some stuff. It’s a long time until it needs to come out anyway. I can even put it into a project after it's edited if that saves you time and then you can copy that to put together with the cover and stuff to release on the account. Again, if you think it’s fine as is we can just go ahead with what we have now.

I know I keep writing and re-writing but I think I actually have a good plot with character development for Jorund (which was lacking in the others)

Also, this does not mean that I will not continue to work on Dark Tide. I will continue to work on it when I have ideas

Oh yeah sure, that's fine. I'll look back at the slate and see if we can move the books we're more finished with so they can be released sooner as well.

Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Making games, animations, and books

#1525April 26, 2024 20:44:42

500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Codey9 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

Codey, so I’ve been looking back at Ruin and… it doesn’t seem to live up to the standards of The Swamp. If you think it's fine as it is(or you’ve already invested too much time editing it and stuff), then I’m okay with sharing this version, but if not, and if it’s not too much trouble, could I give Ruin another try? It’ll be shorter than it is now since I’m thinking about cutting out some stuff. It’s a long time until it needs to come out anyway. I can even put it into a project after it's edited if that saves you time and then you can copy that to put together with the cover and stuff to release on the account. Again, if you think it’s fine as is we can just go ahead with what we have now.

I know I keep writing and re-writing but I think I actually have a good plot with character development for Jorund (which was lacking in the others)

Also, this does not mean that I will not continue to work on Dark Tide. I will continue to work on it when I have ideas

Oh yeah sure, that's fine. I'll look back at the slate and see if we can move the books we're more finished with so they can be released sooner as well.

Okay, cool. Thanks.

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo

#1526May 1, 2024 20:21:19

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Hey everyone! I'm still alive lol!

I've actually made some progress with Valor's Veil… I'm doing a little bit of restructuring. I'm hoping to repost everything I have so far with some changes and additions soon

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a (emphasis added)


“One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.” - Master Oogway

#1527May 1, 2024 20:39:41

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

DerpyPig03 wrote:

Hey everyone! I'm still alive lol!

I've actually made some progress with Valor's Veil… I'm doing a little bit of restructuring. I'm hoping to repost everything I have so far with some changes and additions soon

Okay, nice!

Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Making games, animations, and books

#1528May 11, 2024 15:03:55

500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Darth Bane cover designs

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (10)

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (11)

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo

#1529May 11, 2024 16:49:12

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

jcpbuilder wrote:

Darth Bane cover designs

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (13)

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (14)


Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Making games, animations, and books

#1530May 12, 2024 07:31:10

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

I just re-read my Greedo pitch and I still really like it… I know it's in Phase 2 but I'll probably get to writing soon.

“That has to it”
- Matjam02

#1531May 13, 2024 17:45:05

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

boom2ratz wrote:

I just re-read my Greedo pitch and I still really like it… I know it's in Phase 2 but I'll probably get to writing soon.

Alright great!

So guys, what changes have we made to the slate? I'm going to add them into the project.

Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Making games, animations, and books

#1532May 13, 2024 19:13:06

500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

Codey9 wrote:

So guys, what changes have we made to the slate? I'm going to add them into the project.

Dark Tide instead of Plagueis (Either after or before Maul whatever you think)

Edit: New summary for Ruin

A rogue Jedi begins his quest for revenge against the Sith who have robbed him of everything that gave his life purpose. As he hunts across the galaxy for the key to defeating the Sith Emperor, he spirals deeper into the clutches of the Dark Side. Will he be able to turn back to the light or will his thirst for revenge doom the entire galaxy to an eternity in darkness?

Last edited by jcpbuilder (May 13, 2024 19:17:54)

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo

#1533May 14, 2024 01:29:25

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

jcpbuilder wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

So guys, what changes have we made to the slate? I'm going to add them into the project.
Dark Tide instead of Plagueis (Either after or before Maul whatever you think)

I think after Maul makes the most sense timeline-wise

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a (emphasis added)


“One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.” - Master Oogway

#1534May 14, 2024 02:04:31

1000+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

DerpyPig03 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

So guys, what changes have we made to the slate? I'm going to add them into the project.
Dark Tide instead of Plagueis (Either after or before Maul whatever you think)
I think after Maul makes the most sense timeline-wise

Okay I'll do that

Each team that competes can have no interaction between their members. If you want to join, go here:

Codey9 | Critical thinker | INTJ | Making games, animations, and books

#1535May 14, 2024 11:24:45

500+ posts

Star Wars Book Universe | Collab

DerpyPig03 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

Codey9 wrote:

So guys, what changes have we made to the slate? I'm going to add them into the project.
Dark Tide instead of Plagueis (Either after or before Maul whatever you think)
I think after Maul makes the most sense timeline-wise

Okay, sounds good. So I should connect the epilogue with the Phantom somehow.

I'm jcpbuilder the creator of Star Wars: Ace Combat and the JMU. I'm also part of the SWBU and Marvel Omega.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo

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Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (2024)


Why is my Scratch project not sharing? ›

Make sure your project is shared by clicking the orange “Share” button (at the top of the screen). Tip: If you don't see the Share button, make sure your Scratch account is confirmed. Look in your email for an email from the Scratch Team and click “Confirm my email address.”

How do I share a Scratch project so others can edit? ›

When you are ready to share your project with others, click the “Share” button at the top of the screen. (If you haven't already, you'll need to create a Scratch account to share your project online.)

Why did Scratch get blocked? ›

Bans on the Scratch Website usually occurred when one shared inappropriate projects, harassed others, cheated to get onto the Front Page, or was predominantly disrespectful. A ban in Scratch 1. x was far more likely in the case of repeated offenses. Bans could only be made on the main website by the Scratch Team.

How do I share a private project on Scratch? ›

Can I share my Scratch project with one person? To share your Scratch project with a single person, you can download the project and send it to them as a file. Click the “File” button in your Scratch project. Select “Save to your computer.” This will save a copy of your project to your device.

Can 2 people edit a Scratch project? ›

With a Collaboration account in Scratch, users can collaborate with each other contribute equally, and create projects without anyone taking credit for someone else's work. Looking to learn Scratch coding? Explore Wiingy's Online Scratch Coding Classes For Kids to learn from top Scratch coding experts.

What happens when you share a project on Scratch? ›

The recipient will see the shared project wrapped in blue ribbon on the Home screen. After they've opened the project, the blue ribbon will disappear from the Home screen.

How to save and share a Scratch project? ›

Simply click on the “file” icon on the top left corner of the Scratch editor. Select the “save to your computer” option from the drop-down menu. This will save your file to your computer. To share your projects, go to “my stuff” on Scratch, select the project you want to share, and then click on the “Share” option.

Is Scratch banned in China? ›

Series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone later issued a mock apology. On 20 April 2020, Scratch was completely banned in China because of recognition of Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan as countries.

Which country banned Scratch? ›

Censorship. In August 2020, GreatFire announced that the Chinese government had blocked access to the Scratch website. At the time, it was estimated that more than three million people in China were using it.

What can get you banned on Scratch? ›

A ban in Scratch is imposed when a user misbehaves, performs disrespectfully, or inappropriately in Scratch. Scratch has a very detailed, simple, and straightforward guidebook for Scratch users to follow when it comes to how to behave on the platform.

Can you export a Scratch project? ›

Scratch also allows you to store and share your work. You can also convert the scratch projects you've saved to executable files, Android apps, and JAR files. Follow the instructions outlined above to export your Scratch project as exe, apk, and JAR, and have fun sharing them.

How do I get people to see my Scratch project? ›

Advertise. Although advertising is often not good and can even sometimes get you banned, if you advertise on certain studios (eg: studios like "advertise!") your projects will likely get more views. You can also add projects to studios like, "become popular".

Can two people collaborate on a Scratch project? ›

With a Collaboration account in Scratch, users can collaborate with each other contribute equally, and create projects without anyone taking credit for someone else's work. Looking to learn Scratch coding? Explore Wiingy's Online Scratch Coding Classes For Kids to learn from top Scratch coding experts.

How do you save and share a Scratch project? ›

Simply click on the “file” icon on the top left corner of the Scratch editor. Select the “save to your computer” option from the drop-down menu. This will save your file to your computer. To share your projects, go to “my stuff” on Scratch, select the project you want to share, and then click on the “Share” option.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.