The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


DlckensoD. will give an. organ recital In the MU Pleasant Congregational Church this evening at 7:40. This recital will precede the. regular evening service Lieut Sat1flfl leader of.

the Marine Band and the first leader of that band to wear the title of lieutenant sailed last week. with Mrs. Santelmann. for a summer tour in Europe. Mr.

and Mrs. Otto Torney Blmon1 will sail for Europe on June 3. They will visit England. Germany and Holland and Mrs. Simon will study piano with a leading teacher in Berlin.

Mr. Perry Arnold one of the promising young tenors of the city has been engaged as tenor soloist in the choir of Waugh ChapeL and will sing his initial solo there this morning. It will be TostTs Resurrexit Mr. O. Penney has been engaged as the bass soloist In the choir of Wesley Church.

to succeed Mr. Theodore T. Ap. Sle who resigned to take a. similar post- on in the choir of St.

Margaret's ip1s. copal Church Mtes. Marjorie Tallin sang in the choir of the North Presbyterian Church last Sunday. Her selection for Uj offertory was Hosanna. by Oranler wMch was effectively rendered.

Miss Yoflfn has de Yeloped remarkably recently. Miss Lucia Nols. who lies been with the Parsifal Company this season and doing splendid work with them will return to Washington this summer. Miss Nola was one of the leading sopranos in local cir des before adopting a stage career. Miss Blanche Cassassa sang a.

group pt spring songs" at Ratischers last Sunday evening. accompanied by. Mr. Norman Daly who has charge of the programmes of these services. Miss Mary Dorre.

violinist will be heard there this evening. Miss Ella Butler. organist of the Luther Memorial Church has Just returned front a. visit to Bethlehem. Pa.

where she went to attend the Bach Musical Festival. During her absence from the choir. Mr. Paul Flshbaugh substituted for her at the organ. Mme Genevra Johnstone Bishop.

soprano and Miss Jean Wilson reader will give a Joint recital in the suburban rest. deuce of Mr. and Mrs. John B. McLean Friendship on May 12.

in the afternoon. They will be assisted by Miss Arley Mott. pianist Mr. Sydney Lloyd Wrightson tarytone. Miss Rose Brett who recently re signed the position of soloist in Epiphany Chapel choir.

sang Marzos Jesus Lives" for the offertory Easter Sunday morning. Miss Brett's beautiful voice was heard to great advantage and It was with much regret that her resignation was accepted. An Evening of Mosaics" is the unique title of an evenings entertainment ar ranged by Miss Jean Wilson and Miss Katharine Fries Garner assisted by Miss Emily R. Glover. daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. William T. Glover of Georgetown. This will be given on Wednesday even- Ing at the Portner. As a deserved tribute to Mr.

William Benjamin. the colored Del Puente of Washington. who gave his beautiful voice gratis to St. Augustine's choir for many years the resent members of the choir made up a rurwe of 20 aa an Easter of feting to Mr. Benjamin who is confined to his room with a serious illness.

Under the direction of Miss Bessie Slater a special and highly enjoyable trogramme of music for Easter Sunday was provided for Assembly's Presbyterian Church. Miss Laura Black sang In the Hall of Judgments" Miss Cardon Shelly's Resurrection and Mr. Patterson. The New-born King. Miss Slater presided at the piano.

The members of the faculty of the Washington College of Music Mme. ishop Mr. Herman C. Rakemann Mr. S.

31. Fabian. Mr. Sydney' Lloyd Wrightson. and Miss Arley Mott accompanist.

wm give a musical programme at the Central High School next Wednesday at JJS for the High School chorus of which Mr. Wrightson is director. 4 The services at Dumbarton Avenu Church Easter day were well attended. An interesting feature was Concqnes mass by the choir the solo parts sung 4 by Miss Virginia Robinson Miss Robin- eon who was in excellent voice. also sang Gelbels From Gloom to Glory and at the evening service Knapp's Open the Gates of the Temple.

Mr. Jasper Dean MCPaU barytone will go to New York this week to make arrangements for his Joint song recital with Mr. Francis Fisher Powers In that city some time next month. Mr. MeFall will take charge of Mr.

Powers' studios in Carnegie Hall during the summer while that singer is In' Europe. Mr. McTall will return to Washington in October. Mr Edwin Hughes. pianist will be a soloist in the Westminster Church Memorial next Friday evening He wilt play a Liszt rhapsody and.

two smaller numbers. Mr. Hughes is unquestionably one of the coming pnbts. He is a. pupil of Mr.

M. Fabian and has been heard la recital in Baltimore with great success and in various concerts in this city. The new organ of the Presbyterian Church la Falls Church Va. will be dedicated to-day. It is a splendid two- manual pipe instrument of the latest de sign.

Mrs. M. G. Dickenson will play at the morning servlcem in place of Miss Florence Erwin. the regular organist of the church.

In the evening. Mr. Paul Flshbaugh wlu be heard on tie new organ. The music faculty of the Washington College of Music has organized itself Into a concert company and will make trips through the South early next season and during the regular vacations of thecol- Jege. The company Is composed of Mme' Oenevra Johnstone Bishop.

soprano Mr. S. M. Fabian. pianist Mr.

Herman C. Rakeman. violinist and Miss Arley Mott. accompanist Mr. Carlo Fisher.

formarly of this city now the first cellist of the Cincinnati Orchestra under the direction of Frank van der Stucken. will go to California this summer. On his way there he and his wife will make a short stop in San Francisco to visit a former violin prodigy of this city. She was Miss Lillian Parslow a niece of the late Prof. Bernays.

A leading violinist of the city. The Westminster Church Memorial win have another Evening with the Choir" the second Sunday in May. The Gareissen Quartet composed of Mrs. Miriam Bangs Hilton first soprano Miss Pond second soprano Miss Florence Kean. first and Miss Salome Wlngate.

second contralto will assist the regular choir which is under the direction of the or ganlat of the church Mrs. Frank Byram. Miss Rebecca Schaffroth. daughter of Dr. Schaffroth on Capitol Hill entertained at a musical luncheon last Wednesday when her guests were the members of Mrs.

Josephine puta-Daij'a Concert Club organized last season. After the luncheon there was a feast of music the pro- mme being given by the young hostess who has a charming soprano voice anti Miss Mary Dorre. violinist who played some solos and the obligates. The elaborate programme of music which was rendered in St. Paul's Eplaco.

pal Church Easter Sunday will be re peated in full at the services at and'S o'clock to-day. The music Includes Richard Henry Warrens Festival To Deuxn In flat John E. West's Communion Service in flat Hallelujah Chorus from the' Messiah Tif-Jr To-day Gaul Ye to the Lord. and Nuno Dlmittls Clare. The National Male Quartet made a great success last Tuesday.

evening at the grand visitation and Installation of officers by Do Molay Oommandery The solos were sung by Mr. Thomas L. Jones and Mr. Dana cl Holland and were de serving of tlpecl comment. The quartet is composed of Mr.

Charles E. Myers. fret tenor Mr. Thomas L. Jones second tenor Mr Roland R.

Rodrlek first bass and Mr. Dana C. Holland second bass anti it an organization of more than ordinary ability. Mme Lilt Lebmann has written friends in this city in answer to their- Inquiry as to the report that she. hat entirely lost her health and was obliged to abandon all work- She says there is absolutely no truth to the- statement and the only planatlon she can make of it is that he has been confounded with A certain Frau Lehmann who' has recently beep consigned to a sanitarium tor the insane In Germany.

Mme. Lehmann is very busy and is enjoying life at her beautiful place near Berlin. Grunwald A mixed quartet will be Tieard to-day In the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church. It is composed of Mtes Edith Plckering soprano Mrs. Margaret Koontz Holland contralto Mr.

Thomas I Jones tenor and Mr Dana Holland bass. They will be heard at both services and an interest- tog programme of quartets and solos has teen- prepared. Mr. Holland will be heard at the offertory this morning in Dr. Bisch- offs If God so Clothe the Grass and Mrs.

Holland will sing a solo this evening. The quartet is composed of exceptionally good voices and they sinp well together. Mrs. James Steele a ipupll of Grace Osgood's. gave a recital in her home on Eleventh street Thursday evening.

Her numbers were Mendelssohn's Splnnenlfed and Volk liedlntA Minor two Chopin waltzes Dflat and AT flat. and Beethoven's Senate Pathetique. Mrs. Steele played her programme entirely from memory and her rendition of the Spinnenlled and the. rondo of the Sonata Pathetique showed evidence of diligence In her.

technical studies. The first movement of the sonate she Interpreted dramatically-and the' sec. ond movement was remarkable for her good pedal work- and strong melody. Mrs. Steele is preparing a recital entirely from Mendelssohn to be given in Miss Osgoods studio in the near future.

Mr. Harrison L. Moore gave. a Grleg programme of great merit last Thursday morning in Sanders Stay mans music rooms assisted by Mrs. Oldlberg Mr.

Moore's numbers were given with the planola and included the Albumleafr Humoresken Nos. 1' and 2 An der Prubling. and the Peer Gynt Suite ar ranged for the pianola and Rubinsteins Kamenol ow arranged for pianola and orchestrelle the latter instrument being manipulated by Mr. Percy So Foster which proved to be a very remark able performance. Mrs.

Qidbergs selection was a group of Swedish songs. which she sang In the Swedish language which Is musical and quite adaptable to the voice. These Included Solvel Lied Lauf der Welt" Solvelgs Wlegenlled and Ich Liebe Dlch the last named eune In English. Mrs. Oldberg was in good voice and sang with rare intelligence and delightful style.

Miss Mabel C. Latimer soprano soloist of the choir of Temple Baptist Church has resigned her position in that choir. The last of the regular piano recitals by the pupils of Miss Julia. M. Maedel took place on Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr.

and Mrs. William Dodge iii Massachusetts avenue northeast. the selections were fine and the numbers charmingly rendered by the following young ladles Misses Elsie and Ruth Fouls Bessie and Leila Price. Bertha and Myrtle Keach Sadie Dodge. Nettle Meads Hazel Koch.

and Leila italvorsen. Among those present who enjoyed the musicale were Mr. and Mrs. William Dodge Mr. and Mrs.

McReynolds. Mr. and- Mrs. Haven. Mr.

and Mr. Dodge. jr. Miss Helen Dodge Mrs. Halvorsen.

Miss Fouts Mrs. Price and Mrs. Keach. the Misses Julia and Mlnona Maedel Pauline Springsguth Miss McCathrine 3. Woods B.

Bahelayer Lillie Haven Mr. Hunter and Master Willie Haven. A musioale tot the benefit of St Andrew's Church was given Friday evening In the parish halt Miss Goodwin and Mr. McFarland were absent. owing- to Illness.

Miss Margaret L. Veitch sang la place Of Miss Goodwin her. selection being Mackenzie's Spring Song. Miss Veitch was in good voice and sang as she al ways does with finish and Intelligence. No encores were allowed.

The duet of Mrs. Alfred T. Gage and Miss Elizabeth Tyler was splendidly done. The other numbers oy the really excellent pro- gramme were a selection from "Tannhauser for the piano Mr. Fulton.

R. Karr The Bandolero" Stewart Mr. F. Schaeffer a violin solo Legonde Wlcniawekl Miss Louise Carson a barytone solo. from Don Cbrlos" Verdi Mr.

Henry T. Statham a piano solo Miss Gladys Alias Strong do Kovens a Love Thee So Miss Elizabeth Tyler and Harp of thT Winds" Franz Abt Mrs. Gage and Miss Tyler. Miss Margaret L. Veitch will give a studio musicals in the near future.

Miss Alice Bryant Harvey and Mrs. JessicaCowling Thomas gave their joint pupilsIredtal last Tuesday evening in the Church of Our Father. assisted by Miss Mary Emily Kin contralto. Miss King is a young singer with a very promising voice. The programme was as follows Marsch op.

53 Gustav Hllle the Friday Evening Club MInuetto in Phllipp ScharwenkaV Reglna Kimmell Gypsy Dance" H. W. Ernst Vincent Stack Valse des Zephyrs. op. 68 Henry Weyts Eva Brooks Nocturne violin Carl Bohm Lewis Mattern Thau- perlen.

op. 6. No. I George Reynold Nannie Sheehy Etude. violin Gustav Hllle Jv Aubrey Knowles.

Ira piano Low Dorothy KlmbaU a My Heart with- Lore Is Beating Rake. mann fb Slavonic Love Song" Cihamin. ade Miss King Serenata Xaver Scharwenka Louis Greenberg barcarolle June P. 3. Tschalkowskl Alberta Buehler Mazurka Caprice violin Carl Bohm Harold Burrhus Serenade Cli.

Geunod Mary Agnes Corsa and Harold Burrhus First Air Vane op. 1 Ch. do Berlot Mary Agnes Corsa Nocturne No. 3 piano Liszt Selene Wllmer Dortcb and Klndersyznphonle Ludwig Schytte the Friday Evening Club. They will give another pupils' recital in June.

The. Mien Society gave a concert on Monday evening at the National Rifles' Hall which was a tremendous success. The programme was given by- Mrs. Edith Bayly wife of Mr. Charles B.

Bayly Jr. soprano Mr. William E. Green. violinist and Mr.

James Hicks basso in place of S. Walter Humthrey who was ill Mr. Emil Holer was the musical director and Mr. Karl Holer was the accompanist. Mrs.

Bayly sang Gehiras Sognal and. Mascheronls For All Eternity the violin obligato to the latter being played by Mr. Johannes Mlersch. Mrs. Bayly made an especial hit and for- an encore sang Blschoffs Jennie most fetchingly Mr.

Green played exceptionally well the Seine do Ballet" by do Berlot and for an encore an unaccompanied number which tested his ability as a violinist and in which he did himself credit He. also' played the Berceuse from. Godards Jocelyn and the Mazurka. Kulawlak by WienlawskL Mr. Hicks' songs were the Bold Dragoons" and the Witches song.

In both of which he. showed off his fine base voice well. The Aztecs sang Engelsberg's So Wlet. and Abfs" Des Deutsche Lied. and an orchestra played an arrangement.

of Carmen and the march from Wagner's Tannhauser The organ recitals of Mr. S. Archer Gib- son organist of the Brick Presbyterian Church of New York attracted large au diences on the afternoon and evening of Tuesday in the Church of the Covenant In this city. At the afternoon concert he was assisted by Mrs. Annie Grant Fugitt soprano soloist In the choir of St.

Patrick's Catholic Church and in the even. Ing- Mr. Johannes Mlersch violinist was the-soloist The afternoon programme in cluded five excerpts from the. Handel or gan concertos Schubert's litany "Request" by Franz Arabesque by. Wrangell Berceuse by Karganoff Griegs Peer Gynt" Suite.

Massenets Cantablle Gibson's Elegy and Gull- manra Prayer and. Cradle Song and grand chorus. Mrs. Fugltf number. was Dana's alve Regina.

The evening pro gramme Included. Mendelssohn's sonata in P. Bach's Pastorale and Aria. Widows Sixth Organ Symphony. Tfiin5Y3 Bar ceuse Tschalkowskys Andante Can- tabtle.

a group of Griegs compositions Gibson's Spring and Wagnera fantasia on" Ride of the Valkyries. Mr Mlersch played the from the' Mendelssohn violin concerto. His tone and technique were most delightful and. he played with much sentiment and fine finish. Mr.

Gibson is artistic in all his play. ing and has much versatility His own Spring Bong" called forth spontaneous applause. Mine. Johanna' Tauschei' who made such a brilliant hit with her superb singing In this clip last Wednesday even' lxzgj was entertained considerably during her stay In thto city by the society people. She spent some days In Washington before the concert nd had with her her LotteV ft girl of eleven years.

Lotte was one of the most Interested and enthusiastic listeners in the audience in Convention Hall 'Wednesday evening. being allowed to sit up and go to the. concert because the whole company left the city- alter the performance. Had it been otherwise. LOtte.

would have bad to retire- as usual at o'clock. She Is her mothers most candid critic. She watches her every tone and tells her If she makes the slightest slip la any particular. Her criticisms are not confined to her mothers work for ehe criticises and many times discusses their work with the other stars whom she knows quite welt. And she is S.

very- discriminating critic and. knows her subject well. Urns. Gadakl carries the record for giving this season. She has sungr to seventy.

They will spend the summer in their beautiful home in Berlin. Mme. Gedaki makes friends so quite. speedily as she does as a prima. donna.

being a woman of much beauty of mind and heart as well as of face and figure. Herr Tauscher is en pred In business which compels him to spend- much time in Washington. and Mme. Tauseher has spent many days here with him when she had the time. and was known only as Mme.

Tauscher. and. was not recognized many times as youngest prima donna. of the Metropolitan Opera. Company.

An excellent concert was given in the Temple Baptist Church on Tuesday evening last. The church was crowded with an enthusiastic and appreciative audi ence. and It was the occasion of intro. during an organization of special interest to the. church' members the Temple Orchestra which Is' under the conductor- ship of.

Harold Deland. The pro grammo Included Taylor's The New- White House Chattaways In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree and Blankes My Lady of the North by the Temple Orchestra Oley Speaks' Jap anese Love Song- and Long Ago. Mrs. William Keye Miller TosUs My Dreams Kate Vannalls Cradle Song and Nevins Little Boy Blue Mrs. John iIhfey several solos by MW Mabel nLaUmer some recitations by Miss Grace Keyser cornet solo Von Suppes Shepherds iMornlng Bong Mr.

G. A. Wlnlermerer a. brilliant piano. solo' by Miss Louie Dale Leeds Ttete1 "Within Your Heart tenor.

solo by Mr. W. D. McFarland. tenor' soloist in the choir of the Cavalry- Baptist Church and a i tone solo' by Mr.

Roland Rodrlck director of- the choir of the Lutheran Memorial Church. Mrs. John Humphrey quite carried off the honors of the evening and was' obliged to sing' several encores. after each number. Mrs.

Humphrey has a. rare contralto voice of much magnetism and. shows careful study. Mr. McFarland was in excellent voice and also made a hit with the audience.

Mrs. Grace Dutour Brown. organist of the church played most' of the piano accompaniments and the. organ. accompaniment.

to. Mr. Wintermyer's cornet. solo. Miss Gertrude Deland and Miss Louie Dale Leeds also play.

el accompaniments. CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT. Washington Organization Will BeAssist- 1 ed by Boston Festival Orchestra. An unusually fine rendition of one of the most popular of masterpieces Verdi's Requiem is promised to- night at the closing concert of the Washington Choral Society. The famous Boston Festival Orchestra conducted by MoUenbu four soloists.

of hlgS merit and the full well balanced and carefully trained chorus of the society are. sure to bring out all the marvelous beauty of this great -composition When the' hour for the concert arrives and this. strong aggregation of competent artists is grouped upon the stage ready to interpret the. composers work. the audience will be treated to an innovation both instructive and pleasing.

Just before the baton falls a brief exposition of the poems composing the work will be given. by the Right Rev. Olonsig- riel' O'Connell the distinguished rector of the Catholic University. whose well- stored mind musical voice and eloquent tongue' snake certain a delightful lecture which will prepare his hearers for the keener. enjoyment of.

the' work to be rendered by the excellent singers. and accomplished musicians who follow- him. The Manzonl Requiem has been called too theatric and too sensuous for church music. Hans von ulow termed it an opera In ecclesiastical costume. Foremost in interest ofthe.

soloists must be placed Miss Franceska. Kaspar the tab' ented daughter of the director Or the society. The singing. of the soprano part of the Requiem will be Miss Kispars first- appearance in so important. a.

role. She Is not. an unknown or an untried singer. Possessed of a clear and sweet voice. strong.

pure. and true In. both upper and lower registers Miss Kaspar went to Paris three years. ago to study under Bouhy. The result of close apj.

pUcation to work while abroad. was. apparent in the effective manner in which the gifted young' singer rendered Mendelssohn's Hear My Prayer" in the March concert of the society. Her recep lion amounted. to an ovation.

In. Mme. Bouton who. will sing the contralto Tart the society will have the support of an experienced and accomplished singer. One critic has said of her Of unusual range.

her- voice reminds one of a. splendidly tempered and polished piece of armor. plate it is of such magnificent strength. and' firmness. Equally goof things are said of.

Mr. Johnson the tenor soloist of the Brick Church. New York. and a special favorite at the Maine musical festivals where' he has. sung for three seasons.

He has be come familiar to the general public through. his appearances in concerts with Nordica Schumann Blauvelt. Homer Campanut" and other popular artists. Mr. Johnson sings.

in a very xnuslcianiy style and with a voice of con. siderable compass and sweetness. He sans at the society's second concert last. year. Mr.

Martin also has met with pronounced success. He possesses an excellent basso voice well trained and perfectly managed. It is rich fresh and flexible. The magnificent work of the Boston Festival Orchestra Is well known. It- is composed- of fifty high-class musicians and sweeter and more entrancing music than they can coa from their multiplicity of instruments hardly can be imagined.

Its. celebrated director. Mr. Rail Mollen- bauer is ideal in his masterly control and magnetic inspiration. Musical Art jSociet7 Concert.

The Musical Art Society will give Its first and only concert of the season on Tuesday evening next. May-2 2 at 8JJ at Rausehers Hall. A. considerable amount of interest Is being taken In the appearance of this valuable musical organization here. The director of the society.

Is Mr. Sydney Lloyd Wrightspn. The society made Its first- appearance this season at the time of the last Choral Society concert making a favorable Impres. tlon. The attack was exceptional and the' shade of tone extremely good.

Mr. Mlersch will be the soloist for this concert and the programme is as. follows Lovely May" German Ave Verurn" Elgar It was a Lover and His Lass' Barnby Prize Song. from Die ters1ngersH Wagner Mr. Miersch Lullaby EZgar Midnight Patrol" Gretry male voices Jubilate Amen' Bruch solo by.

Miss Fisher' Spanish Serenade' Elgar Song of Destiny' Brahms Reverie" Vleux. temps and. Polonaise J. Mlersch Mr. Mlersch' The Lost.

Chord' Sullivan- Bartlett women's voices. soprano solo by Miss Halley Love and Spring" von Welnxterl- Where Does He Come In Some Democrats are born Socialists some achieve socialism and some have socialism. thrust upon them. Where do you think' Col. Bryan comes In Deaf new Cannot Be Cored By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear.

There' Is only one way to. cure deafness. and that 13 by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustach- Ian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you hgnre a.

rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result and unless the In flapunatlon can- be taken out and this tube restored. to. Its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out' of ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing but en inflamed tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for- any cue or Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hans Catarrh Cure.

Send for circulars free. 3. CHENET CO. Toledo O. Sold br Druggists TSc.

Take Halls Familyi iU constipation. NOTES OF FARTAND ARTIST fTIWO large Important pictures and a I portrait study have en placed I on view In the' lower loan room Of I tbe Corcoran Gallery- the work of A P. B. Hidalgo a. native of the Philippines.

It would be Interest- in to know whether the- artist I of the native race or Spanish. The largest painting represents a stricken woman In white. life size on a barren stormy sea kaeeHn before the corpse of a' man that fcas rrldentlr been cast tip by the waves. Tragic and grwsome this painting belongs clan of art co popular twenty years ago. because pictures of sucft use and force had power to compel attention in the great salon ex hlbIt1ona.

Happily this class' ot. art has liven way to a kindlier more genial point of view which concerns Itself little with' the. sorrowful and ugly. Tie color and drawing are formal academic and satisfactory but waken no pleasant emotions. The next largest of the three Is an.

unrefined painting of another harrowing scene Christian Maidens Exposed to' the Populace. The third and last of the three Is a wen-painted and artistic picture of a vloHotrt. This modest canvas Is' conservative. and reveals a high order of technical ability. The color Is reserved.

and there la in it a touch of sentiment that is not without its at These pictures were painted In Patti about twenty years' ago. and are loaned to the gallery by Mr. Irlarte of Manila. Harold Mdonals portraits are painted so deliberately that his commls- sions while not so numerous as some other Amrtcall portrait painters of the diet. rank are etuisways far in of of the current year.

This artist is the reverse of prolific. and therefore' the public exhibition of his work is some- thlngiof an event. At VeerhofTs last week there was shown a masterpiece of' portraiture by- Mr MacdonaldV a work 01 amazing realism and such notable artistic excellence that one cannot but regret. its almost. immediate ehlpm nt toWest Point.

The picture was a very lifelike representation of Gen. R. 8. Canby. and was ordered for the' government collection at the Military Academy.

Washington has a number of able par. trait painters whose work Is understood and appreciated There are other portraits painted beta which one. might wish a speedier transfer to well somewhere and all' for the good name' of Washington art. They flourish In the fun glare of pub. often full length size pictures of people so prominent socially that.

criticism is disarmed. The sitters themselves may. Inwardly protest against the humiliation which they are powerless to prevent- Among the notable landscapes at the camera clubs fourteenth annuaj exhibi tion at' the Corcoran some few deserve especial mention for their originality and artistic excellence some even possess- in a poetic charm which one seldom finds outside of the. works' of" tha ablest painters' In oil. and.

water color. lbs Last of the Snow. No. I. hi E.

J. Daw is a delightful glimpse of. Rock Creek. No 28 by IL Leighton Is a welt con posed moonlight effect- on lh tem Branch. It' is amusing recall that all photographic moonlight pictures are made in daylight and this fact fills one with the.

suspicion that some of th best may be pure. accidents. Winters Mantle No. by 3. TV Ilassan is a "Palmer-like" interpretation of snow in the woods- tender and.

gray' without' any of the electric light results with black shadows. which so often lowers the art quality of many otherwise good' winter negatives. C. IL Claudy in Ice Bound No. 152.

an evening effect. on a little river has one of tie most skillful and poetlo twilight compositions shown thi year but that hS was not aware of this on la Inclined to conclude' from the long. mean- legless foreground. otlll composed water and riygr. bank which occupies the lower half of the orint One has only to coyer up the lower half of this print with his catalogue to discover that.

the sky and trees make a little picture so full of sentiment color and tone. that It ts not easy to fled Its artistic. peer in a glance around the entire gallery. J. TV" XHlhnan In No.

254. shows the most artistically composed. picture of the Capitol at night that has so far appeared Quite the most distinguished landscape picture in' the show Cud one pf the most difficult problems undertaken is No. 251 Through the Valley by 3. IL TarbelL It has the truth and harm of an early Inness.

The picture represents a wide stretching valley in summer melting sway where It goes beyond two wooded mountains. The technique Is extremely delicate and renders truly the poetic ant mysterious tlenUment of mountain coun try. W. Peabody the president of the club about whose work there is always something patnterl1ke and thoughtful con tributes this year seven small pictures of varying objective interest Of these A Virginia landscape No. 160.

is the best and seems the work of a palnter eo subtle and delicate is the composition Tand rendering. Some prints by IV S. dine in color faintly indicated but artistic and trie give great promise of color printing' entirely by photographic means Nos. 1ST and 193 are particularly good. and have some of the fine qualities which belong to the best color No.

145 is an evening effect by' P. Merrlgan curiously like a free etching. This technique La worth studying Closely. for it Is very palnterllke. Segrid O.

Thompson In' No. 132 Winter Is King. shows a like picture full of the poetry of a winter solitude. W. a Rabco*cks Sunset Alter the Rain No.

110 has a fine- sky reflected in the' wet road. Evening No 78 by R. S. Kanffman Is' another well-conceived and effective sunset picture. In No.

114. A Virginia. ln by E. E. Richards.

the Camera Club shows one of those brilliant and Intensely American landscapes done' In straight photography which crowds very closely those camerists who can see nothing artistic in nega tire or print which has not been. manipulated. Without pretense of any kind. here Is a consummate picture which needed little. help beyond finding the right place.

the right hour of the day. and. pointing the Instrument in that direction. The lines of composition and the. forceful massing of foliage.

meet. every' reasonable requirement and the result Is a most charming landscape picture. The' exhibition will close May 1. Tb artists Mr. and Mrs.

J. Carr. who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.

Messer at Anacostla Heights havo left for their home in New York where both have. achieved distinction as illustrators Mrs. Cary a daughter of fCapt. Slgsbei began. her art studies at the' Art League in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Gravely of JMtts- burg spent Easter Sunday with' Mrs. Gravel" parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clark. of 2020 street. Mrs.

Gravely who has' done some able water color work. wag for. a time a pupil of- the league of th Corcoran Art School. Some of the Daughters of the Reynl- floe paid Mr. Carl F.

Smith of this city JX200 for a full length size portrait of Mrs. Fairbanks which was presented to the society placed in the- Incom- pleted' building during the recent congress. Bessie etl1n and Miss Taltfero were in tie' city last week representing the' Richmond. Art' Club. Their errand to the various studios here was to select pictures for the coming exhibition of Current American Art to.

be held next month Richmond. VA. The- clubs annuals have advanced In standard every year and it IS now no little honor to be represented Iff the Richmond show. A number of the known Washington artists have been asked to send pictures. The dub has been.

appreciative of Washington the. etfttta should send only their best. Full information bout" the coming exhibition which opens May is and closes May may be had by aCdresj- lag' Mrs. Co Patterson. chairman MUon committee.

Richmond. Vs. or J. B. Morrey 1235 street Washington agent.

In the death of Joseph Jefferson the. artists of America have lost a eympa- theUe' friend. Passionately fond of art for. its own sake and with. a.

wonderful understanding of the real charm ld value of the Barbizoos and later Dutch painters Mr. Jefferson had gathered one of. the choicest collections of modern pictures owned in America. The dealers were pleased to have him loiter about their- establishments quite as well as. the artists themselves.

When was known. that Mr. Jefferson wanted a picture the. profits were cut' down and many. rich collector' has.

stood aside that the actor might gratify desire. to possess beautiful pictures. As a painter Mr. Jefferson did some at tractive and skillful things. Not always was the drawing up to a professional standard but the' art quality was never absent Devoted to Corot there was In the actors pictures that mysterious ut restlve tender note that told of the true nature lover and poet behind the trash and pallette.

He had a studio at Buz zards Bay with a. complete professional equipment and there many of his happi. est recreation hours' were spent. Ins skill wilt be recalled by those who were so fortunate as to see the two memorable exhibition of Mr. Jefferson's work which Mr.

G. Fischer gave of the actor. paintings the last in December. 1500. The collective exhibit.

revealed the strong leaning to' the school' of 1S30 and the influence of George Inness. the dramatic quality of whose work made a strong appeal to Mr. Jefferson. Muun tales- forests" and woodland brooks wera his favorite subjects. An' occasional sympathetic Interpretation of the open cotm try disclosed his' comprehensive ability but.

wood Interiors' were his most successful pictures. Many of these breathed the. majesty ant loneliness of the forest as it must have appeared to Rip Van. Winkle oil his tabled awakening after twenty years of sleep. It is not' certain that Jefferson's.

paint. ings wID ever take a high place as' works of art the product of his active brush was too" uneven but that his. paintings always' In oil will ever be held In high esteem both" for. the actors sake and the obvious appreciation of the' real painter point of view In landscape art. no one can doubt Readers of this column will recall an account of the actors visit to my studio where.

now hangs in the place of honor upon the wall a- small painting by Mr. Jefferson which he sent me in exchange for one of mine which I have always regarded more as an expression' of Ms appreciation of my' printed praise of his work. The following letter in Ms well-known broad old-fashioned. hand is so full of the actors kindly spirit that I give it in full. It reveals an interesting side to hIs character My Dear Sir.

Jtoseri Many thank tot your kind letter lacbeesS crttlcia- It all th art' critic saw artwork with TOUT I fur partial eye. II I eonieu I do. my pictures would hold the place I eoret for them. I tot clad you Ilk tin picture I did for yea It alway pleasant to please sac I tear that I an greedy of Xtili Tow friend JOSEPH- JEFJElRSoor POYESSIONAL CARDS. ThevirgilOlavierPianoSchool 118 Street N.

Mls Georgia E. Miller Director. Miss Olive Demireit. Assistant. Glut tad prints lessens Class lessons ar 001 hour long.

In which are taught chalc. Ear Tr Int. Slfht dlt Systematic Vmor tat Ffcy ic Celtics. rad for augiLSlOmo MISS. MARY ALSOPCRYDER TEACHER OF SIG1KS.

ReprtoIrl In French German Italian and English. 1924 STREET. Mr. Herman Rakeman Pupil of Yuy and Joachim Zastrectar' ef Violin ant Soloist Wuhlngti Cob. let ot Valid.

Residence. Ill it. aw Phone N7 nchiSJt- Mr. S. M.

Fabian WASHINGTON COLLEGE Of xt8Io. PIANIST. sTpIp S. 1213 V. Xniatement or concerts recitals.

lftaf tf fi osteal Director. Ml ose5 naspar WaaUiKtoa Choral So. eletyand eo towa Orchestra has ruessd stalls lessons tor the winter at hi stetie 1217 street northwest. Mr. Kaspar la a pupil of tie celebrated violin school of Prague Bohemia and ot the teases French TlallnJst.

tUlllfl THOMAS EVANS GREENE. TEXOR Late Carafe Overs Co. THE ART OP SLVODJa Pupils coached la opera nit oratorio. tuaio iii at. Id floor.

Tuesday. Friday. Saturday fter Wednesday- morning. MISS GRACE OSGOOD. TEACHER OP PIANO emnmer studio 1.

Phone North prSs4mG MiSS KATIE WILSON TEACHES 07 SnvGRO. tutii U2t 10th it uw. Telephone- North K. OSCAR FRANKLIN COMSTOCK fiTCOIO. 1217 STREET NORTHWEST mcmstojel Arthur W.

Porter Solo Bsese LloruiueCbureh tt 541 I' It. aw Roonf II. EHODB BLAHD BESORTS. THE MATHEWSON NRRAGUSrn PIE E. I S.

WMATHEWSOIT AW MATHEWBON I Owners. and Managers WUl open or season ef 1205 OK OR ABOUT N. T. after May It i Broadway HEW Jy4Esz EESOETS. Hollywood Hotel And CottstM West End Lone Bwac X.

JWILL or EH lVNB is 1505. At a Summer and Winter Resort on th European Plan Pader the Direction of It Original MUger LEONCOTTEmN its all Information can or write the Hotel or N. T. Office Lyons 4 B. 424 It.

Telephones Louj Branch. West lead. Uthsat8lot No T. City. tUJ UUI CAHADIAtf EESOETS TEE QUEENS ROYATi HOTEL the Delightfully situated on th Hie.

within twenty mlnntee rid ot Nlapn fall Celebrated for Its tulet siacaace. tashionabi clientele sac perfect coiatn Golf Tennis JHA Driving Boating Pisbing. Yun1 equipped olt Ass country attached cusst asS- scenery AU modern eonrwlence for comfort and safety. Open Jan If. IX For rates booklet addrei oatll May M.

P. OCllUlujl Minuet Hotel Gordon Wublngtos IL' wtt Thompaa ProprietcN. CUT X. HOTELS. ATLAIrIC CIT IT.

HOTELS. Stone. Iron and Slate Construction. OPEN THE YEAR. CAPACITY.

666. Marlborough House ATLANTIC CITY N. J. Pre-eminent for lb- LOCUIO A whole block on th Ja front in th center or tt principal hotel district. oNu Tlew unobstructed by tom pavilions or piers.

COXVBKTEVCES-Att comfort and eossales05i taeladtar aa cold sea water la btlw. Long IMstanc Bin Telephone and rosainc Ice. water la th rooms. Valet U4. ladlea maliaerrice.

MOSIC By Uth rale rt1ltl erary fiiy la tie yeth The Is I special testers which 1 deservedly appreciated. AteoMoziwd TLCHTINO. DRIVING OWNUSifiP MANAOEMETP. SH' JOSIAH. WHITE.

SONS. HOTELS. BE MONT HOTEL Sot ton Sues saran. Ocean End Virginia Avenue ATLANnCCITYNJ lime from Botfd Walk tad Steel Pier. Absolutely Fireproof Elentor to skeet lereL tt BCATqf Sol t-rkn-Spkodid title tow Mr Afotffity and guaranteed from employee.

id tfMlwU Cltj. JUrul NEW' BELMONT CO. W. Warrington. sad Tress.

GEAND ATLANTIC NEVER CLOSED. uiuu are. and Beach. Atlantic City V. 1.

Rooms en suite with' private baths including hot and- told tea water Delightful son parlors team heated. Excellent table Rites 0 per day Sl weekly. Capacity 700. Write for 1001 booklet. Coach meets trains.

A. CHESHIRE MITCHELL. Printed matter or booklets and definite Informs tlon at Mr. Footers Omce jun Pa. are.

fel Ot THEIrfviNGTON. On the Botch' at Virginia are. overbocting Boardwalk end Steel Pier Terr center of all at- trietlbna' Modern up-to-date tote capcltyZ0O. Every. comfort and equipment.

Including elevator tllm heat. baths- sun parlors Special re duced rat. to. svziif nests to J15 weekly up dailr. Tibia and lerrice a feature.

Booklet. r. WATTS. HOTEL DEVILLEI Kentucky' AT and Seach. nUo City.

N. ls Beet location. Coonnleot to erery ttractlo Modern hotel lirje rooms frontlnc stncl or en suite with private bath Flrst-elis errlc and table. Vvery comfort. Heritor.

Capacity XK 500. 10 00. 11200. 1S 00 weekly. J.

P. CIBEBSON. HOTEL DUNLOP aT Directly OD th beach Most central location' In Atlantis City. Thoroughly modern completely equipped. High-class rice.

Prlrat baths. American lid onpeia plans. ap df a W. PKDRICg. Ygr.

HOTEL CHELSEA fiffiBCTLT OX THE OCEAN. zoo room 100 rrlmte water' baths. Every known tenders hotel ppolitmsot p1std10t I B. THOMFSOV ATLANTIC CITY. YOUNG'S.

HOTEL. ST. CHA2LES. Most select location on' th ocean front. With an established reputation for exelnslTeness 54 hl a patronage.

Hot and told wt and fresh wtr- la Try bath. Long tbstanc telephonjta rooms. Artesian water. Courteous sorties. Golf apa UNQUESTIONABLY water in room.

moderately THE NEW' riutaoor RIO GRANDE Tack at and Beact TAEL KlLllTRIC1C. THE SAVOY Wiwctly a th beach. Hot and cold' water is story bedroom. Booklet. Tar rooms and terms apply to Miss 8 IL.

HANLET. Mui primp. apt dStOt THE NETHERLAND NEW YOsK AVE. AND BOARDWALK. New throughout open wrrowidlnji.

pTfrtS baths electric light' tem heat. elevator mod. era tmpoVemflti. Convenient to. pier and DI1I11 nta7 5 Sat.

to. Monday S2W Mdally tlJ. 1755 weekly. Booklet. HOTEL TRAYMORE ATLANTIC CITT X.

1. Opl. an year. Directly on Ocean water In bedrooms. Hot Lad cold wt' sad fresh water baths.

Water from 055 artesian welL In- proteI. sanitary system. Golf club prtrllegea aplJdAW rUpRB HTatwHrmNrMMent WESTMUfSTEK SUim heat. Elevator from street parlors. to W.

weekly. CHASBUSRt rooms. It weekly. Booklet. spiStS WORTHINGTON.

GALEN' Hotel aad SaiKarin HALL. AhraytOpeiu VIRGINIA EESOETS. Hotel hamberlin Old Petal Comfort Opea afltie year. lot booklets nestles. o.

7. ADAM Drtrtsa X91 Va. YORK HOTELS. ARE YOU' WARE RAMERCY PARK Between both ult list its. near Broadway I th nii prtrate part la New York and is la th very heart of th city THJ1 HOTEL IRVING IICRAMZRCT PARK NEW YORK CITY.

Apartments by the year. 1100 te 900 tarnished or unfurnished. Parlor. bedroom and bath to US per week for two persons. American plan.

Parlor. bedroom. and bath la to 30 per week for two persons European plaa. Qt1ET. UJL ELEGANT MODERATE.

MASSACHUSETTS EESORTS. THE In the Pines 5i Mile from the Ocean. To let for season new house fully cad finely tarnished rooms I mister' chambers set' Tints' bathrooms. Modern eonTentences mans room and stalls for four hones la stable. X.

LQITIER. Broadway nr Toot. WES' VIRGINIA RESORTS. CAPON SPRINGS and BATHS A most dellfhtful MounUla Roort with Urje company etery year. Knerything that conduce to health comfort" or pleiiure.

rut rot. mpW Mren CHAS. V. u.ooN. Capon Sprlan W.

Vs. aplS- Ot EXCURSIONS. PLANKED SHAD MARSHALL NAIL Sunday. April 30. And Every Sunday During May.

STEAMER CHARLES MACALBSTER TWO TRIPS. LeaTas Serenth at wharf atllamindJSopm FARE ROCSD TRIP CENTS Dinner tncludlnt the celebrated Marshall Hall Clam Chowder 75 cents. River View Opening Season 1905. GERMAN DAY. R04armatUctt.

eUmll1l1 Society. SUNDAT APRIL Oral Concert by Hirer View Orchettra on Steamer toe Orouna. The Little River th Water uhuts and all the Attractions Ready to Gins Pleasure. 1811 WITH VS AND ENJOY YOCESEL Tat. steamer at a.

I or p. an taming leare Ricer View 1. 7 and in. oUrtlonable persons allowed. Tickets adults Sic Children isel.

SPEND SUNDAY AT CHESAPEAKE BEACH. Planked Shad Dinner it Goatee co Cents. 014 Maryland Dinner it Hotel BeUtdere 78 Cents. HIGH DIVE Sensational I. from Platform 100 Pest Sick by World' Champion.

ROUND TRIP-500 Trims leav District tin station Sunday at It a and I p. in Returning ten. the Beach at tad 20 p. PAR T. WATERs General Manager.


Hotel Richmond I7th and Sts. TWO WHITE If9Ht Strictly First Class. Modern Appointments. LOC TtWIIOIEJ TM88HOOT Free Use I Bookloten Ubnrj. CLIFFORD M.

LEWIS Proprietor. The Cairo Under New Maigeuaanl WASHINGTON D. a HOtel or CATTOi Mne rIIIIer' Resort HetelTador Natiat. Mass. HOTEL DRISCOLL coRNER 1ST AND NW.

fulnc T. Capitol and Grounds. Modem and high-class In evert respect. Rooms. single or en sulti with private taths.

Booklet Rea sonable rates. T. A. McKEE Her. FREE' INFORMATION About best hotels trawl whers.

ASK MR. FOSTER 118 TPeaujlyula an. P. Zvropeaa Plaa A. 1 America la HA Yark lWAluti wed.

t- th tnm VI Hvlvl are. A Herald Sq. Sf. JIMIS TAfiHK8TOS OuC. water sr tltoe at Bhnaitttsa.

Detsostuak. Mieseles' LIrspig NVtawee et WoleEe c- tWwirtMkt as sac ar alrea va ta tk The oUwr of AU- Bml for ctloM of threat and loa tfOt kidneys and or trv8b111) Ole fw tMSM drinitog a tzsstmsut water Tk sMile MM Aprtl 1 tbo at Ot of OctMsr. hue from Piri TT io5srestlon is hi Kflili ea lNUoaU to I Major Balsa vols yiiua OliN A lit MB Ml PLTHOUTH-CHteBOC SOUTH ATLANTIC TWPIT NW' LONDON tUPCT. KI STM LINE WHITE STAR LIKE. NEW YORK PROM NEW YORK CRERO JuB 1J.

Jolr V. ROMANIC. nox 34. C. 1 ii Jan I.

Alf. Oil. Washington Offloe 1306 Street NW. DAVID UND9ATrMiear Are Fast Express tt KronpnlaoMaj am Ktl ai I Ktl. r.

MiT I. tm Win Jus K-Wm. Ii. Mir II. I pm Kron ln Jini n.

It am aj rlailUr SO. 1 pm Kilnr JalT 4. Twifl-Swew PassMgH SrYhs. DIRECT. Btrt rfl 4Vir 4.

it 4m Brenrttt- JIM J. ii us On niaH rll. lOtia kir. iJsn I la un XtrtUntXI7U. IS un Bt tim Jai I Mta Mile JJtr a.

It am FrlHr1c6 i U. am Will call at Plymouth tad Oertourc. VWIlvr IVnVtM welmar. Xir 11 am Albert. Jsat IT am Allwrt.

12. tolLalu 14. am LaU tm Irtn JaJT I II km Ira June 2 tm Altort. July ii MI Genes only. osnalais A CO.

No. BroUvtr. NIT York 7 DROOP CO. IX IT CUNARD LINE To Liverpool via QUMDatOwia. Prom Piers SI 1114' St North Hirer.

Caarpaala. liar 4 pal Lucanla Mar 4 pm rmbrli. Mar 1 11 am Etrnrti Mar IT am CsrentaJay pm Carp aUMi I pa NAPLES tIIATIC NY serev Steamers. VLTONIA' May I. I pm Jan IT.

Inc. LAVOflA JtiT aa July Lug. 2 ANNONU. Jras 1 am ly is Carries second and third elm only. Third-clue tickets to bad tram ill parts rune at Terr low.

rates. For eight and puaap apply to tic Canard Steamship Co. Ltd. Bror N. T.

or 126 Stat. it. Boston. Was G. VT Mon.

lent. Mil at. nw. WuhtDaua. Jfarnburg American.

S. DewtseWaiMl Balls May 58. June M. July le ft CLARKS SERVICE Tie moat dIlghtmi and suet economies means of FOREIGN TRAVEL By ill line and by SPECIALLY CHARTERED STEAMERS Writ tot particular Lad cataloraa. B.

Prink Clark. Ill Broadway New Tort. D. e. Ea.

uu 5 CTRUT. DIRECT PASSENGER SBRVICI TO NQRWAYSWEDENADENMARK By the tall ton twin steamer IIinLIO OLAV from If YonkMiy VNITED STATES from New 21 OSCAR from New Torkt Ju RELUG OLAv. tram New TorkJnne II UNITED STATES from New Tork. July OSCAR n. from New To July SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAS UNI.

No 1. Broadway. New York. RIVER TRAVEL. NW Norfolk and Washington' Steamboat Co.

Every day In the year for Norfolk Fort Monroe Portsmouth Newport News. and nil points South by the superb. powerful steel palacej steamers Newport News "Norfolk and Washington on the following schedules wsshingtonsiG pm. Lv PortsmouthDO pm Lw Alexandria. ot pmlLr pa At Tort MosroitOO 09 am JLT It.

Monroe. pm Ar Iiorfalk. am I Ar Aleiudrla. III At Portsmouth. 120 am Ar WukInjtiO0 am Tickets on sale and staterooms reserved at general ticket office.

766 14th St. Colorado Bid at downtown office 6th and Pa. ave. at office on wharf and on board steamers. Through connections made at Nor folk with the steamers of the OLD DO MINION STEAMSHIP 00.

for New York. and MERCHANTS AND MINERS' steamships for Boston. or further Information apply at of. flee toot 7th telephone Mafn 37 of general ticket office TO lfth Colorado Bid Telephone Main 2290. JOHN CALTjAHAN.

Sd Oenl Mgr. W. CALLAHAN. Gen. Pass.

Aft. EDUCATIONAL. eCMgft nova EEDCCED TERMS. for ten eaoas tt the Vote Chain eystcm for rending meeta' Much drudgery and detail spend hr Ma SPCTA. DALTa methods for learning to' lar and play piano Studio 11 cc.

PhoaI 3 Writ. for Uutructlr pamphlet Id eater THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES 723 Jtta it. A. Gonard. Trls 6r rd Prize It teal tjqMwttfM Trench Oermu.

Spitih Italian En A Special rate tor summer TrUI oa free. STRAYERS Business College Cor. llth sad sts. us. Best tostrictisu.

Bay aa mlctt Books fre Typewrttet boo. free. km. ttioa s-aaraated. Tern uaatenta.

B1B ass I Wft call. the for TAMERS StiOgmUtl AN0 BUSINESS COLLEGE. CerF Hl9tlL Bey a tIght Seed for catalogue. Trot. Tinier was oCcial tetfl Ad rte raphm 100 to tuL.

SPANISH LANQUAQE SCHOOL Spaeth tlpIdlI learned. Special rites for sum met etultt trial tree satin teiabus kindred I or testimonials. 1111' Mew York as JXKCII OOMAR. rrU. tRaNCE PRACTICALLY Tlumrr Pronoaced well spoken read.

Sidesecdodi' at MLLE. V. PRCIXHOMMS School. Il lad. a.

a OB Jl tK. HOLY CROSS ACADEMY. 1 school for' yu lilies e. AceeeatU SM Pr fi rr Dsai0sajg laiiArt Csee4ct. courses to Mait.

i Seat. It HUMSMST ZHBRRBDr PR vale teMOM boss' kg' appointment Ii per lesson classes forming 55 per mo. prieSt. tealdeneet zsductlaes to duLl reU. LADT TEAOtEML tat ROYES SCHOOL.

Coflet. PYIMIStIlY. 5150 aid Orasuaw Qrtt Bcr led 50101 melsia. Buta All is toft it soIls. year.

Moe ttttfttft bill mesSes ta ijt Catalogues BAL AtT' a jltx A XBEWASIIINGTON Sl RIL- :3 JMU rBsl n. will' an I1easantConrrega. tion 1 Churh tl eer at" i. Ts rectlw preede thergareenr zece Leut Satlmleder tene' Ed ad te fst le eroftbd i wa tette otleut latwekwlt Mr aume touiE 1 M. a Yr Oto YSlmonlwll ealtorEuopeo unes TewI visi Enla.

Gy7and Holad Yr. w. 1 studYPI Wt. leding Berl Fer old othe prm oung tenor otthe dtYh e' gacd sloit Ite colot Wagh CapL wisng hltttl tere thi morg. U-1 Tosts Resuxt M.

A ben enaed a bas solost ho1 Weley Churh 8ced TodlreTAp pie. rslge tak 1 1sI- ton I coi St Muget Epl a Cuch Mis Marore' ln thCoir therhPsyter Churh lat Sudyler sletonror. oter wUHounna Orer whch a etecvely rendered Foln de- veldremrlblyreCentl. Mil No1 WMbs be wt te PanflCompay. Jen ad doig splendd workwlh i ret Wah on ths summer.

MIsNolwa sprnos Inloa cr- ce btore adoptng' a stg' crer. lu Blanche CSsaga goup eprng sngat scbers at Sdy accompnl orn DalY bs chrge pge serices Dor. vlo InJst wU head therets evenn Iss E1Buter. orgnst te Luthel Me mora urch. retured tro a vst Bethlehe.

Pa. wher ent aten MUllciFesU- a Drln abence trothecholr. rPaul Fshbauh substtuted. te org neva ohstone so sn Jeaer. gve redt te sububn rei- ir ohn Mc.

FiendshIp May1 atemoon Tey wl a1slsted MI5 Mott nlt BydneyLoyd Wrght- 60n tatone Roe' Brett recnUyre- siged te psfon sloist El h- Capel sng Yaoesus Lves" te oteror Eser Sudy morng. Brtts bauUM wa get avtg. wa wih' reget tt ton wa accepted A Evning Mosacl" unque tleof a evenInrsentertment a raned Mis WIlon a Ktarne Fles Gmeau1e Mis S. Gover. M.

ad Mr WUlam Gover. otGrgtow Ths wl begven Wednesy Ig p*rner. deseretrtut Wia BeJ amln. Pente Wahgn gvehl butu gts 81 Augste. coir my yer.

te membrot te Ueof 2 a tero- terng BenaInmo Iscone hs rom wit lerous Ilne directon otMss' Slter. ecla ad' hhly rgme EaterSuday 11U provded Asembly Prbytern Curh M1s Lur Blak. iangI te Judnt Cron Seys Rsrectn PAtern Newbrn Kg. Mls81ater preside te. piao membr te fct WahngonColege YUldclme cl1hop.

111 Heran RkemanMr. Flan SydneyLodWrght ad' M1s Aley tt acompst prgame Centrl Shol Weesdy at' chors whch Wrhton Te erces Dumbton A venu Curh Ester dy wereweU attended Intrestng teature wa Concqnes mas slo pa lung tby Mis Virgni RolnsonWs Rbi. ton. I excelet voic. a sng Gibls Fm Glom' Gor.

I at te evenng serceKpps th Gate iapr Dea McIbaone wil 7ew tswekto ne rageent sng retl wt Francs Fher i tt c1y tie mont McFal wn tae chage Yrowus stdol Carege I Erope. McFl wi retur Wahngon Octobr r. Ewin Hughe plans il soost Westnster a mora Fday wU play st two smaler nu her. r. uQuesUonbly one cming pfsts.

1 PU Ir. Fblan ad ha ben heard I i cechsccs te Presyter Fll. Curh Va. dcted today. I laaplendd to manua pip tnstrment de sig rs.

Dickens wl mCnlng lere Mi Florenc rglr orgnst chuch evenng. r. Pu Fshbpg 1u te organ ms tactrot Coleg otMulc ha orie ltlinto CIr copany andwf mae tps earynext nn ad regla actons te cl- Jtge cmpny 1 compsd 1me evr JohnoM prn Fabia plan Herman. Rakema. vlolls.

an Aley Mott accompanst 7 r. Fher. torn rly c1y. frt celstot he CncnU chesta. uder te dicton Ft wl uort Bumer.

wayt a' i mke sor 15 Frn- csco. Vlt trerVln Prdgot. ciy. LUan Pr- lowa neceotthe Pot Bey. volnt thectr.

Te West1terChuch. Memi wI have aoter enngwlh Coir te seond Sundy I Garel senQuartet compoed Mr Mta BangsHltCn. trstsoprno Mss Pnd sprno Ms Kea 1s alto. Saome Wlngte. secnd contrto.

wt ait te regla coi whch 1 tedlrecUon te ganst cuh MrFakB Mls RebccSchat dughter Scrt. Cpitol mentertned music lucelat WededT. hr gest wer te membr Mr osphe DputD. Coer Cb org 1at le Ater luncen ter teat otmuc th pro me bg gen te youg hsess. charn sopro ae a Mar Dr volnI plred solo te obllts earto' pr moot wa rnere I Bt Elsc pl Chu Eter Sdy w' bere pte btu a te' serCesaU8dJS ococtoy Te musc Jcl1dea Rch- arHen Waens FeUvTeDu ft E.

Communo Be tcD HeuJahCr frm essh Jes I Rl n. Toy Gaul SncOnod Slr Yeto te. Lre' LoYdM tn ad NuncDtt Clr' UonMae QUttma geat Iuceslast esdyevenlg te gd Vsttion. ad lstnton omcr Mo11 CmmderThe' soloswere Yoma1ones adlr Daa l4 adwerd lrg cetTe' QUt Icom r. Cles 1.

Mer 1ttnor l. TbmasL one send r. Rold R. Rrcf ad U. CHoUad.

aeondb ad 1an orpUon ord- naUUY meL Lh httefen4 Ints ctylna 1ertote. iu a rpr- tt hdetl st er heat adw abdon te I llt7J tJ ttte t' dto 'u ptnhe wm ofjItthe en' it. rl ES Lha hs rnUy bl cnge a stru te Ise Gray. MeLbn I 1bS. 1 enoyg leat herbutf pl naBerUGrwald Amdqurst" b' adtoy Yett Presyer Curc I lcmpOoLMJs Edt1Plcern prl aaietKD Hold cntUoMmu LJon s.

teor. Holld hed bth srcs ad a bte rst trg pr rme' quret and' sol hs teen preedr Holandwl herd at oteror ths morg I B1h- 1S li Gd oCoheteOra MrHonand w1ln th evenig he' compsd pton y. olceandU elng1tU MrameSteele alpUotGr eO gd' gv rectl horneon Eev steet Thurdaev nng nU tendelsohns plnened ad oIl dIntAM1or lWOCln walzes al an ft a d' atove Pathetque. Mrs Stle plyed prgmm entrey trmmor ard rendtonf BpnenUed ad te rndootthe Bnate PatetQeshowed evdnce digenc hertehcl It1es Tetrt moveent te snte Iterrted dmtclr ad. see" rmulble hfr go pedl workand srng Mr Steee 1 prprng arta etly fom Mand lmhn gven InM Osg Itudo I Haron 1 Greg prgame gat meri lat Tlsay morg Sders Styman ulc roms.

ass1ted Yr. Olderg sprano. Yoresnumbr ere givenWth te pIanola ad Incude lum ar Huorsken No. ad Flng. ad Ter GytSle a- range Rublstels KaenoIOstrw arae pianla orchestele.

tntment beng mnputed rPery whch proed a' ver remak' perorance. Ms. QldbergIselecton wa goup Swedh sonpwhlh lng langage. hchi muJ. ad ql1e adaptale th.

The Slnlls Led Lut del elt Solve1s Wegenle. cE Di a voic sng wit rareTtelgenCe deItu tle. Iss CLUmers rao soloIs otthe Teple BaptltCur ha resiged pOS onl hol. latot reglar planorecltl th ls Jua Maeel tok Tesay eenng resdencot tad Mr1UUaDd Masachuetts northeast. leectons tne th nurs chng17 rnderd te folmg ouJg lacs Miss Esie ad Rth Fout.

Bese ad LUaPrceerth gILR le th ntahO rtl Dde. M. ad MrMcRynaldl an. rs ad I. Mia Ddge llsFouts Mr.

Pce Mises uUaandMnon Yede1 Paune Sprng UcCathne LeHavenY. unter oster Wiie. He ven mu benft Adew Cur wa rven Fy eenig th parhhal MIl Gdwn McFlad We absen ow' IIes Mls Mret Vdtcs p1ce Mi GodwI slecton MaceIe' Spri Son. Ms Veich I god voice an g. a a.

WYS dos wth fnsh ad ttelence. Noencree wre aU owe. Mr Gaad Ms Elabet. Tlerwu splenddy Te ter ntmber realy enelit pro ge tom. Ta hauer.

te plnor Fton. Badlero" Stew Shaeter V0U slo gee eawsl Mis Lus Cron baone fro Dn Crlos" er Hen Sam aptsolo. Ms Gay A1 Stong Kovns Lv The S. Mis EUzbetTler Harot t1WndsantrAbt Ga Tler. 11m' 1.

wl gve sudio mus. tfe nea Ace Brnt Hary ad eSslc C. wlng. Thoma gve. teir joit pupils' edtl Tesy evenng te Ch rc Ou Fter asted Mi Ma Ely lng.

contto. SI Is a singr wit a ver prmsig voic. progammew a tolows FestMsch op 6 Otv Hle te Fday Eening Cub Mueto I h1pp 8hrenk Rega 1m- meli ysy Dancel Erst VI- ent Stck. Vase deZephr. Hen Brok Noctue.

Voli Lwis Mater Tu- OKhehOE rln H1eAubrey Fh Ungplano LW. Doroty ImbUCa Heat wIt- Betig Re manD Slavonlc Ln Sng Can- Kngi Serent aver Scharenl Lou Grenberbr eoUeJun" CP. Tscalkowl A. bera Bueher Mazka Caprce. voln arl BhmHarold Buh Srene C.

Gunod. es Cr ad arld Bu usiFlrt AVarle. 1 otl a lmo Dorcb ad. PKlder ymPhOne" Schyte FdyEnng CubTe wl gve aother pups' rect I June An BOlet1 gve acn ert even at NaUona Ries" Hl whch wa atreVendouSluccess ThergmewagIve Mr. Edlb yly we Ba1bjr.

BopnoiU. WUaE GrenvloUnt I a M. ame Hik. ba. I pla WaterHumhry whowaUL' EmHol wa thmulcadlretor ad Holerwte acco ansL Mr sanc Sha' Sgand Mshrons Al Eert te 10 lnoUgtoto teJater big anes IerschMrIayly aespla btad a encor Blsco1sJene mostfefcnglyMr exetonalywel te 9e aletbYd Berotand a encr a unacmpnied nubr whl hsabUtya avIoUllt.

andtwhlh dd. hisel crdit alo- te Bereuse fromGords oem ad te Maurka Kua wak. Wlenlawsk song te BoldDronl andteWltches i bt Ihowe othl te I A ggs nf i Deute Led 8dan orchesta plare a agment otC rn. th muchto Wagers annur Te orn rit rS Arce Glb 101 oras te BdcPebyerIn CuofNew York attce lre dleneson theateron. adeengot TesdY I te Curch te" aeroon encer wuasslte MreGrt gtt sopran sloIst thecholr otSt rIdtCatolc Curchatln theeve 1Mr ohnesJlercv01wa elotstTe aferon progae.l- cuc fveexcrt.

te. Hndelor gn cncrolShubr' ln quet" Ftab8ue byKrgot GrIegsPer Suit Menefs tbe" Gbsons er ad Gul- m1f. Pyer ad Ce Snad dchrs 1F ff. nubr wa Dnaslv Regna" eVegpro crmme Icuddendelohs chscPatorle Aa Wid Or. Sith Org Sphony.

IlsksBe cule. Tc1oWI AndanteCn IU s. fantasia theValeIF Mech pae te tro t' Me delohvoUn cncerto. tne ad ehque weremost delchtL plaYd witmucsnent a te IhM. I aac a hs py.

Ilra mu veUlt ow co oFnte 1e1 h' se wh mdsu brlat. ht wIt herlp el ttis cItl edy ev tiwa enertneenl bldu her yJnt cty byt cletT ple Se 8t 8. dar WahKn torote pc4hWthe he on' lU" sl rea Ltt tomt re adtnuo ltner te aeJ' Qnvon' ed ne beb a1 it up' to. cn emp le te IU bote Ltt. wudlve- htnUu OcOL Sbhermota ms cnddertc IS.

eer tona LheU me to' ghtet sJ ay parcHerat lcmsa notene he mothe. wrk he critlcle88ndmany An4ehe teJe bj ta.U the dor. a BerUnMme 06dSklmake trlendsso- c1al1yquite Ipeed11yuahedoeaa nd ea omw andtigure. en- h1mto muchtJme tmany daJlIherenth hehadthe wa. wunot Umea-as'th mpanT' xeell nt waJr.

OhurchonTueadJy lnglasLlhe waicrowd tJc aMiPPr Uve en eand Jtwuthe oct a spe l1lnterest memberatheTempl estr undert De1andThejlro IncludedT110r hattaw ysl ShadeoftheiOldApple TieeaI d. y' otthNorth f1DeaJaTap CradleSong BoyBiue severalsolosty Co tat1onibYM1ss loloYon ornI 1g50ng GA a' Loule. InYourHeart. MrW McFarl nd. tenor choirof ptistChureh theLutheranM6I110rial I Mrs.

otmuchmagnetlsm aietu1studY MrMcFarlandwas alBomade theplanoa anlments. a rtr1lde. CII rgniza ionWlr e' slSt edby rendltlonot theniost mast rp1eces. ReQulem1s to atthe Theramoua' cond cted r. fuUweU balancedIid tralne ch rus otthe th otthls the.

rt artlvessnd strongaggregaUon' artlsts1a gro ped thebaton poemScomposlng wfllbe theXtight re tor' theCathoUo. wh se" Itoredm1nd. ertalnadel1ghttullecture wbtchwlll he rers. the tobe ythe at- 18 beencaned andJoo sensllonsrorchurch termedttan Interest MissFranc skaKasparU1etal enteddaughterot 10 sopraii ReQulemw1ll si ars tlratappearanceln a role unkriownor- iL sw ef pure true tnb th 10werrertstef8 resultot elo ap. workwh11e tnwhlch gIftedyoungsDrer HeariYr JJithe concertot Herrecep- me.

the traltopartthesocIety sup- expertencedanda a1ngerOne crtUohas herOt aplendldlytemperedand itls glofte. heOfB theMaIne Mssung tOlthreeBeasons He.hasbe- alngllna. tyleand avolceof con- 1Iecondconeert JdartJnnaJso haamet nouncedsuccesL HeJOSS sses 1entbasScantant8votce mana 1t1s r1c tre andflexlble. The thBoston knownItJs morentran lng rmC wn el I dlr ctorMr hauer1s Ideallnhls masterlyeontrol ThelMuSlca1 A tSoclety glyits tirstandonlyconcert otthe easonon 8Uat ls-be1ng th otthlsy81uablem alc tJonbereThe rofthe Ll Ydwrtgh nThe so- cletymdltBttrst appear ethla1Iea. sonatth the IChora1 ncertm kIrigtVO ble Im1 res- attackwu oLtoneextremely ancLthelrogramme1a utollow vely MaTGerman AveVerum" ElgarI twas aLo verandH1sLaas MI Wagner- WUhen1g ElgarMldnlght maleyoleel gar Song Polo AtSe TheLost ett ve ln1erl eD eIH Fromtb.

rhud lph lome. hieveo thrustuponthem you thWtCoI Bryancomei in- Deuneu tBeCuied Pjppu atlo S. There1t onlyonewayto curedeatness. 1 ottheEustach. Whenth1ltube 8Olmdor It' Deatnesststhe resultan In.

at1 ncan betaken ro cuecutot tenarecaused wbtchls blltlLD uw omeJ co I a aCatarr CHENETcoToled lt. Hit. NOTESOpkRr ND WOlarge tmPortantpkttne8 nd rlra1lstudy onYlew loan. roomof Cor oran GaUe 7t11e work. FR autln Ph tng th tact tBPan1shTbe 11et trtcken' 1rhttelUellze.

stonnyaea lhorekneeHng than18SvIdentiTbeencast upbr 911. vel. Tialtcand w80me. ttAtdall POpuIutweI tT bec use' pI turesCtrsuc echadpowe greatsa1onex' thlscla enlal otTiewL lltUew1th aorrow1uland eolorand dra wine rina1. tActorybut pl aaantem UonL The1n anun- ne palnUDgor anotberharrowlng Icene- Maidens' Exp Popul thtrdand otthe threela wel1 i1ted a otavIoJDLrt.

Canvula' tech a1 tsieserved. uch4t thatlsnotW1thou reswerepatnted abouttwentfyearsago areloaned galle yby a.1 roIdLlscd dtportra1ts r. i plntedsodeUberatelythat ns 80' numerous perhaPLi sOJl1e i rankareetJllalwayat rln 1 advance currentyearTh1sarUst or. rolIlic I thep exh1b1 orioth1sWorkls 1I i eventArVe rho i wasLGO oJ. tralt l1lbT Ma donaldaWQrk 1 tinme fate.

J7D1ent to West Point. Tb Irew s8. very of Ge andftsl d. th I I theMIlI ryAca emy. 1 Wash1ngotonhasanum er ofable I palnterswhos apprectatedlhere re otherpoJa terewhlch' mIghtWIlh I tra ster to therood the eO' crt d1almedTh alttersth lveS tionWhlchtheyarepowerlesl gLt notabl1and capesafth camera fourteenthannuaJexhl tJ atthir some fewdesetVe ec1alm nUon" thelrortgtnallty even a lt andwater Lutotth6 SnOWN Jfj byE.

3 Ia. deUghttulc1t npM ofRbck eon- pOeedmoon1lghtetrect. Ea Orecal1thataU pI are daYlIghtandthlsfacttlltSone 1Vlth. 8Uap clon teoJn8 the maybe a UeNo 66 TiD Huaan1S 11 the wo anyot ele trto l1ght' bl ck Ilhado 8Oot 10WV8the QUautyotmany thelwtse IL. ClaudYlnIceBoundNolSt yenlng oO loneot UiemotskUltulandpoeUotwl 1 compositlozwal1oWn thbyeoar thathwU otthl8one14 riT occupleethelon haltoUheprtntOnehason11toeoyer 1 thelowehalfOfthlsprintwlthhts I cataloguetodl I treesmakes 11ttlepictur80 tcolor thaflt1anot eiSJttoftndttsartisUc peerfn e.

a1" undthe ntlregaUery D1llmantn showIthe d. of PItOl sotare.ppeared. themost gu1shec plcturOnthe nd one tthemost problen18.undertakenls NoS1 Throurhthe byT 1tTarbelL It otruthand otuearl1 Inn ss ignlleyn mmer whereit' goesbeiond woodedmoufl- ta1nTbe. Jext andr poeUcand otmountalnlcouri- Peabodythe otthe clubboutwhose I 1 i thllyearsevensmall plcturesot vary1ngobjeotlve Otthese VlrglnlaIAndacapeNo160Js. ndseemsth palcterao anddel1cMeftho nd ren BC1In 1ntly indlcateeLb greatpronl1seot prln ung en tlrelYbT PhotogTaphtcm ana OL 1 J1aveaome the.

fln bestcoloretchtng. anev nbig tfe byP QYerrtgancurlous11lke freeetchtng1h1s dJ1ng closelitfltIS peln 11k iegrtdGThcmPsOn Nom WJnte plctureluU otthe poetryot abco*ckISwisetAtter nohu atlne kyteftectedm Even1ngNo1SbyR. Ka etr tJve su aetplcture- 1nNoU4. AytrgtniLanebyE I Ca ra 0 i brtlUantanlllnt nsIy i i yeryclosely. tho carner1sta whocan seenothing art1s l.iiegi- veor prtntwhichhaa i tit a' ate therghtlIourotth elnstrumentlnthat ot ng requhementandhe amost se MatL The artJstiMi apdMrs3.

MrandYrs. Yeaser Helg the1rhome where bothh ve lUu trat rs MrLCarr tudieat andMrLR OratelT Pftt Parentsrtand A1I nc. MrsGravely nesome ablewater co toraumta pupUotthleagueofthe Corcoran Someot tb I a hters tIonpaJdUr ofthIa tora size which wupresented tothesOcl ety and1l1a e4 inthe1n. com- bull 4urtngthe caWnandMlssTalltero were dtTlaat weektet resen RlchmondArt" Ictureforthe rentAmertcanArt he dn I. nlchmOJi1Va.

Iubaann atandardeveryyeara1dJt now lntheRlchmOnd showAnumberot tnownWuhlnrton eipscjLny ch diJena 11 1. I I th 1rt 1nforma 1on. com1ngexhlbIUOn. whlcbopeJ1SlIayU MrLM or 3 lItreetWuhJnton ent. 1Jetrers n- artistaofAmerlca havelolt.

ts a eandwith otthe a oltheBarb1onSand 1aterDutcl Tetrersonhad gathere4cne ofthecholcesteoll ctfona Thed a1ers werjpleased haveh wellu theartlstathemselves. thatYr JetrersonW1Lnted cutdown. manyarlcheolleetor crat1tihlsdeslre bUutJtu1plctures. MrTe1rell5oudldaomeat Idlltultlllngs Uoptoa prot uI1nal qualltywuJlever dtoCorototherewa mderl1ote. Ze loverand1Oetbehindthe and1 HehadastudIat zar Barw1th profeas1 nal ll I recreatlonhou1S sk11lWI11b to-see' th womemorable 2T GP1s her ve the' arutsPaJntJngsthe Iaiitm De ember teVealed strongleanlng otq WhoSeworkma a.

andwo dandbrook hlstavortte' subjecuAn DCCa fOnaJ th opeIi' ouI hismostsuc cesstu1ploturesMan70t these maje6tyandlonellri ss theforeit slt musthave tG WIn twenty Ria. certlnthat a' hlghplace oJ ar. tthe ProdU. ctLO. t.

his. Ia. uneven-but alwayslnoUJWlli he1dtnhtrh th. theobvtouse the Otntat eart. on thllcolumn recall2Il ttheactorsV1slt.

mYltudlo Yf ha i hTs8 10nQt prlnte4pralse Jt lsw gwgi tuuU revea1saIl Iideto IlTDerJtrJl Loser crIt1e the our a I 1ftothI J441 rl tl TAMESH1dOSEIL PRO SsIONAL. The Virgil Qlavier Pi noSchool 18 treetN tlsG orI 1a If. TtchJlle. TraIJl- Sichtlhdl an 8eOd to MIRYILSOP RYDER Bep tr Fr neh an. 1924NcSTREET. Uu It dJoa tlt DJtr1IetM tVol leofXIltoRuldeo nPhQD Nm lIIeh1SIV WAHXNOTONCOLLEOS mpIOXNABES 1iu 1D lementlltoi ne. Mr. Josef Kaspar tr Kt ar" pupUof. Frap. th Saurel.

THOMASEVA S. OR te' 8nOper ARTO up U21 it- oorTuudr MlssGRACEOSGOI lIamtl1erltu4to un. ZloX MlssKATIE V. TEACB1 GIXG tu4IoUl1oth ftn T.lephou.-North.lo. mcUU.

toj1 IJId ArthurW. Port r'f 101011. rl12SoU aLDZoom1t. sOEra IHEMATHEWSON RL SW WSOrt EtMATHEwSoN vneraJ11 ge wm' opt tor aelao1i ONOR Ntoace afUrKar u1UZIrodn1 I. f1ERSEi RTS I YWoodHo1el wetE ttl OPEN 1511OG.

8 WtJItu1teIort0D thtlCuropaza J1aDJTlld ctur Forl1lBtormatloa or. NTom ou411. TlephoLorIa IWIIt t1l. tIIet1qt It. CA1lADIAltRFSOR RQY ALnOTEL N1a tha I lilt rtd.

hJ1tCe1.bratld Wh1OJ1blt. ttl. GolfTem is1U4ing tiJ1r oUaJ14 la IJI4err Jlllf book18u. so UO. iLpO idoaWuh1Dct pti Ii ATLAImO C1TYlt SfQne ItQn.

SIteCon truction. 9P NJ CAPACITY i Marlbo ro gh fl ouse ATtANTIC NJ. whol bl koD fit. fro ltta the Ulpr1Dc1pa 4strt Y1swunobitructed CONV2NJENC AJ1 omfOrta COIIentll lIIeludmi1Iot uacold lIanterba LoRe ephou. u4nu th.

roo 11it. maid MtEIC8rttgh.gradi nlf74rl a. tltnunilli ec1alreat1in whtclll4eeent417 It OOlOB wt lODJf1" ATLAmdiCITYNi I NEW BELMONT bmrhla saw I OIlTBonr. EncSV1r lDJAvame ATLMiTIC CITY. N.

I. tLe BoardWalk A. bsol liF1E pr oaf obed LO. o-. in Stesm Spbdid tebbe-Aotrie- fabilittud emp 1.10 for 1lfal m.

1 I IlCl Ill cO. arrlD GRANDATLANTIj Virginia 1Tod IUltlthprlnt blthtoell1d1nr II sun-parlor i I tralDlLcCBESHIU Ufl ter 1WpaIY THE IRVING uieeMeht V1itn1onrtOoktnr Plerverycenter ofI1. rrr- IIUD 6pectalra- guests 1SklT. bl. andeme HOTELDEVILLE A.

olf IBmhAtl atTNl t1oeUoo. to hotellarre fronUDCocelt d. ba Ccl 1000. UOO HOrELJ UNL ate Its lqulp Bllh lul EuropeupluL pUct WRPEProcxKC HOTELGHELSEA CTLYOTBE witu' tel THOxrsoy" GOTO ITY1- YO GSJiOTEL Hoi J1 CVl48cWaterBatha. tp I- 1455301' 1HE Sr 14oatIeIICt10caUOUOGtII.

ezeIIJII. high-clue 04 ter1IIIYerr Loor411 J1c1. telephone in. JOOIIILArtellan CoUrt101II1eITtet. m1Wat k1ek loo mcelllldn Profusion of.

the choicest that the market ffords pared by tam 1II chef. Baits. elunstO running yaterln priced. GlUlI I Tor1t v. u411eacll- 1.

SAYOYi DtraCu1OJItbbeae1lBof u4eoldotr. TorfOOma. III8cifHAlLETXlDIer LOS 5524 THENETHE8LAND NEWTOUinAmBOARDWALIC N. masts. 10310 do 1100 kl7 IRVIN N.

WELLS. US 1T all Running lIrbathLWater 01l1t1rt11aII 1m Pu4 PUHOJEr l4eot. WEST1 INsnJZ Jeot1l 1 aTL. alar Beleh. lsnil.

paw In Pacta W01aRINGtONJt1W1tDC ittr a kIT- totlBWORTBLlGTcr HotelaidSuHariUIJ. HALLFLYOuNGoCen Mgr Atrra Open. Bo k1 tS atMr FosW' NIIoet Gtel' for VAAo uhIDctea Tlflt rlTerms lUderaa. Writ. apt.

Za vOORREBS. moiNI a RTS Hot Opaaa an tItJ ar Jorb ol1U. MoraQ. 1 NEW RE 21st. ItL.

ar- 11th. iiJ 1A411 HOTELIRYING a PA TT. ar to. PO III. Pl.

Parlor. twOperlOl1l EDropeAplu JiASSACHUSETTSRESORTS. MANCHESTER-BY. TH SEA MASS. I theFlne 32 1etrom tbeOeeao forolo 21' ho se.

mlltet coDYeuleoceamu 1i1teQUUx. 206 Bro4w NTork yptGINIARESORTs. lmoet 4elf 1lU1llKouti14 Jteeorl1t1th compUTnerJrear Enm ealIra pamplilta 1' lnp pl EXQ MA RSH AiL Apri130. AndEYef7. DuringM7 CJWUSIU Lea.

It. at and 2:10 III. I' RO 5 V. Jew at. bT OV heltra Ir ncLlttl the utt Read fOTTOCRSELr Takalitumer L1II.

1:65 or. 5lp. 1. Jtl. I.

7UlJld 30 P. No TtekeU4111tek. SUNDAY P1a tc2 atHotI en. PtaUormjOO 1DIItrIct1tu. tl a JIIlOci P.m.

at1UU P.m. GeoerdXlJllpr BOKlrANDTOXB OrW SHINoToK. ett a amllld1l LLSCHURCH' rs frol1lAuedutt antlHSts lWOIftJAHI I WHm tricuHIt CI. l9Hlf0 BootJOteraUbrary. CLiFFORDM TheCairot tlIIarWew I A 7 i A.

for PaI3D9If aidT ransI9tlJ 8IIIls' WILLLUI. CAT1O1tIa pr. Batel Tiaorkalutxa OOK T1hW. uttCapttol hlgh Ws prt. vate.

bath Book. letr. R. ea- McKEE1Igr. traftlnlPTY SK So P.

A. HftYrklittls SregMI St. r. 41rJ1lJliGT ND I i. OBIWDIdL A to tMmaI tt 1i .1.


thfiemanJloi4" FacfExrltHSan PLTK ux KalserJua RitierMa KWm Itluu 12.. WJll. Ka XroaIuJnI711. Jtrooprlullar1 p1lIlKaJaer11I17 Twl swew ERFiLKN I i ac :11 E' IBatblre aJua I. Allce.xa eFrte4rkllJI.

MelltrrHtH unw.TAR-N 1' Ol I aia AlbertJue rr. lll11rLKr aim ILllIuJu It LuteMayis jlrell. u1r 11. lreneJu 111 IbertJSI7 1211 I N. E.

ft Jitn Uo Camtas1ajfsi Cpa VmbrtaMoy U. Y.tx-nrta.Mo ITa am' 1I. nm aWaXtI4. PUS AD Xoden Twlllu JuDl 23. July 2t 11I1TS crrJMa Wr4cluoolr.

tleltetato frOmn Paruof Ell. Wo. 1 at. W. Ul10taw lfiMtll h-ClterHlH'g-1l alllHirra SSleltts laHe tdmll1lr

SO' fBionchrMey DI1ItaeJ11aa Ila IS Patrletallarc IWaldorSlay IPratorl' 11. II BambUI. 1811. 1 tOnlIl 1oomGIDDulam on beard. IVIA Doyst for toadoa ue Poile to Rsmharg.

1reet. IWIMG-AMERKAN 37 SflYNY F. DROOP If SON89U Fa. Aye. CL RKSSERVICE Thamoat ICODOmteal meaolol Tf VEL :87.11 ianl fO ptrttculn :8.

Jrute PASS GEJt IlmVIcl*to itt n. Tork. uJut fromNeTo JUJI fromN. Torklall I NTort No. Brodw" JF york.

VEL. No folkand Everyc a71n theyeartor ilrr NewportNew Lwf IOOpm I LT 100 tL MoaroTtO Ar1udrl.30 PortIJD01I Wuk1ll ttO I tlcketofllce7e61ftht. radoBldgat ownt omce.6th wh rtandon It u1i Nor. tolk1rttb th OLDoo MEIlCHUooJSA I MI Jorturthez l7 Gf. MaJI n.

2700 It. BldTel phone ALUml VPres and WH nPaas JifUS lalath. NotChaIa ltamlorrll4tDc cery XIII. thode i fi TIIEBERUTZ OF JC rHdPrlHr ILL. English 1teI.

BusiolSSColl gl trUth btr1lCt1oa tlara. 1It 1iftecan. or ptor utala SsM ITIIWANIBUSlNESS Cer. and alaou o.ctal.cnrt 1 Ite1Ib t111I pabIlo LAN8UA-eE repl4171eulII4. tft.

tr1rfneI1lft NewTork' aUNOJ 1nll 114 811t at. i. HaLY7cROSSAC DY iaf. IOUC i' CO Ma- PUPTLS PRX Ie. vrbr.

Intmnt per-le on eJueeatormtaarffParmo 1 cr- 4 4 wtfl1iVe venIngat an 1eaerot SlmowwUI w1tha Itwilt fr Hon wesT jeas nand ilgsNola tomcat cir- Cassassasang songs rano. Ive re- An ar- ster of. Elackiang 2 15 ar- de- Mjs. ofMuslc ege. WestmliisterChurcb FrankByram.

there th re- lafuli servlcesatU ardHenry Jesus CtiristIs Risen. Sanctus Gcnnod Sin Lloyd Magn1at. Thomas-Is. andMrDa andwere aeryingofepeclal I tenorMrROlazd I Lebmanhiwritten inqulitaa 1 U. bathe statement1-sn heenly plaiatIonshe ofjtla thathe Frau Elsa- or i1xeaquarwill to PresbyterlanChurch.

of-Mite Plckering prn3r8 fr L. Holland bebesTrdat andan quartetaand HollandwIil cffaIf soCinthe Thequartet slngwell hirsJamea pupilof Os nIng. VolkMitdln A toCbopin memory-and TZiedrst dramaUcall and InMiss I Staymans 1' ar- a- 8olve1g Welt sun goo parlabbalL al- rbos" tl Mi Jessica Cowling recltal ICing June piano eeoc AM s' rxnen th gu- thaZternoon. gt the sololst in- op andGulI- MrsFugltta DanasSaive evenlngpro. sonataln eeuseTschalkowsIcJs irle 5 pringSong Rideof withmuchsenilment SciigcaUedZo rIb 1e inthls beristay Inthlscltyby thesoclety bforethe Copcertnbad bather 01T- i 1" ss ne 0 Il Ba fltl4 leftthe yy Iahermothers wafl ar theother therecorttforconcertgjyfng sungIaaeventy Theywlll so- weliaaof gagedin.

to ocd ion pro OleySpeaks aneseLoye NevlnsLittIeBoyTBlue cor et VonSuppes ShepherdaMornbngeong soboby by3fr. Roland ofmuch showscarefulstudy. COCER- I BostonFestlval tralnedchorns tobring rector3of xnlndmusleal the theexcellent hl ag ap- Mme. Boutonwho trs1Inpart havethe Onecrltlc theMalnernusical be- possesses andsweeter CO Artodety societyww only.coacert. Moe.

valuablemuslcal. of made-Ito wazexeepUonai and 0 itwas aLoveranit 3. voicesaoprano Welnzleri DoezBe mtasatuaelpb1alrees SomePemocrata DfnessCnnotBeCzned 1 yot-hve theresult anduniess OfleHundred cHENETCO 4 S. ARTISi' ryWOiareImpcrtantp1cthreS. been intb bowerloanruom I ho Oailerythe tb iugto knowwhether A Abarren.

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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.