The Minority Voice, January 18-25, 2008 (2024)

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JAN 2008 Issue

_ Tribute To Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black Histo


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Dr Martin L. King Jr

Martin Luther King, Jr.,
(January 15, 1929-April 4,
1968) was born Michael

Luther King, Jr., but later had

hisyname changed to
His grandfather began T
family Ts long tenure as
pastors of the Ebenezer
Baptist Church in Atlanta,
serving from 1914 to 1931;
his father has served from
then until the present, and
from 1960 until his death
Martin Luther acted as co-
pastor. Martin Luther
attended segregated public
schools in Georgia,
graduating from high school
at the age of fifteen; he
received the B. A. degree in
1948 from Morehouse
College, a distinguished
Negro institution of Atlanta
from which both his father
and grandfather had
graduated. After three years
of theological study at Crozer
Theological Seminary in
Pennsylvania where he was
elected president of a
predominantly white senior
class, he was awarded the
B.D. in 1951. With a
fellowship won at Crozer, he
enrolled in graduate studies at
Boston University,
completing his residence for
the doctorate in 1953 and

the ?

States "his whole demeanor, character, love for people and

personally, but the way he comes across to me, he Ts a man of

Barack Obama the Man Who Can be President =a
by Christine Sabathia . S =

It has been over four decades since the Voting Rights Actof
1965 was passed allowing for Blacks to freely participate in
the political process, but not until now has America witnessed
a phenomenon of the likes of Barack Obama. |

oI would hope that it would happen, but I never thought it
would happen in my lifetime, ? said 77-year old Lillian

Mobley is a long time Los Angeles community activist who.
has championed the causes of the poor Blacks for most of her
life. | |

oHe Ts got what it takes to become president of the United

life, love for humanity. I like the quality of Obama, what he
talks about, what he seems to live everyday. I don Tt know him

integrity, decency. He has all the qualities that it takes to make
a president. ?

Like Mobley, this country is in the midst of witnessing what
many felt they would never see in their lifetime "an. African
American becoming president of the United States,

Obama continues page ll... =

t i | , | ® 2 £ P " at
1 OF OME Orie itatiy; Against Racism



receiving the degree in 1955,
In Boston he met and married
Coretta Scott, a young woman |.

_.Of uncommon intellectual and [F""

? artistic attainments, Two sons
and two daughters were born
into the family,
ected te ate RE. vas by this time, amember early in December, 1955, 0 his presentation speech in, requiring segregation on but at the same time he
acouprne, Oe pee torale of the of the executive committee of accept the leadership of the honor of the laureate. The buses, Negroes and whites emerged as a Negro leader
Dexter Avenue Baptist the National Association for first great Negro nonviolent boycott lasted 382 days.On rode the buses as equals. the firstrank,
Church in Montgomery, the Advancement of Colored demonstration of December 21, 1956, after the ~Diuting these days of boycott, In 1957 he was elected
Alabama. Always a strong People, the leading contemporary times in the Supreme Court of the United King was arrested, his home __ president of the Southem
Worker for civil rights for = creanization of its kind inthe United States, the bus boycott States had declared was bombed, he was Christian Leadership
members of his race, King nation, He was ready, then, described by Gunnar Jahn in unconstitutional the laws subjected to personal abuse, Conference.


View Image 2

The Wilmington Ioarnal

After Hillary Clinton fell off
of her white horse with a
third-place finish in Iowa
and by barely edging Barack "
Obama in New Hampshire .
~ a 17-point lead just

pie. oBillary ? Clinton _
_are playing the race card by .

unfairly accusing Obama of

injecting Tace into the
Preakienie contest, ae

re, with a a.

petvent Vs White,

sc in of plying he 2


. eens



the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther we The candidate has

2 orace card by exploiting an uthe
__ insensitive remark King, but maps dismissed Hillary Ts
* uttered about Dr. Martin nt accusation as oIudicrous. ?
| de a senator from T. Bill Clinton didn Tt make
In an interview, the former North Carolina said at a _ matters better by referring to
First Lady said, oDr. King Ts, a church in Sumter, : C Obama in ofairy tale ? terms
dream began to be realized oF He would later declare that he
when President Johnson _was referencing Obama Ts:
passed the Civil Rights of Hillary, ioe tape position on the war in Iraq.
1964...It took a president to © somehow a se _ But Michelle Obama, the
get itdone. ? ~~ injected race intothe " " " "-_candidate Ts wife, doesn Tt See
4 campaign? : it that Way.
Bill Clinton sianptea to |
engage in damage control ¥ Ina visit to the state in
calling Black radio talk _- November, she made it clear
ow oot. that in contrast to Hillary

~ Clinton Ts upper class. |
ee background, her husband has
lived anything but a fairy tale

NBC Ts: e oDream of a president who
oThis is an _ was raised like Barack was by
line a single mom who had to

work and go to school and
raise her kids and.accept food
~ Stamps once in a while, ? she _

- said, oImagine a president
who knows what that Ts like. ?

- It is no accident that as we
Move closer to Feb. 5, when
Voters in 22 states will cast

- their ballots in primaries and
caucuses, that the Black vote
will take center stage in the
Democratic contests, =


-brought Tso r de to our.
community, even agree to.

ask the same Speman about



oe F Sel

oAccording to the Joint Center

far Political and Economic
Studies, Blacks. thake up 56
opercent of the Democratic
electorate in Mississippi, 47
percent in South Carolina and
Georgia, 35 percent in
Maryland, 33 percent in
Virginia, 23 percent in
Tennessee, 20 percent in New
York, 15 percent in Missouri
and 14 percent in Ohio.

In fact, with its January 26

voting, South Carolina
becomes the first state to
showcase the Black vote and
an Obama victory there would
force Clinton to have a strong
showing on Super Tuesday or

_ fold her tent, That Ts why she Ts

racing to play the race card.

If the polls are accurate - and
after New Hampshire, no one
can count on that anymore "
Hillary Clinton might be
headed for a loss South

A poll released Sunday by the
Public Policy Polling in

| Raleigh, N.C. shows Obama
holding a 42-37 lead over

Clinton among likely
Democratic voters, followed

2 by South Carolina-born

ney ot z o cession ( oN- wont ?

supporting It
_ people, wake up! While I

make such a movie? We could .generally defer to the sensibili-
. ties of brothers and sinter, who

~ have an aversion to the on
_ Word ?, it Ts not a happy con-
" "k feel

Edwards with 16 percent, In
a key finding, Obama has
overtaken Clinton among
Black voters and now holds

a 68 percent to 19 percent
lead, with Edwards getting

only 4 percent,

Hillary Clinton can only
beat Obama is if she can
persuade Democratic voters
that he is unelectable or
somehow she is more _
deserving because of her "
last name. At the ballot box,
Obama is dispelling both
myths and it is therefore no
wonder that Hillary Clinton
is having to play the race
card and have her husband
pretend he is. running for a.
third term. George E. Curry, |
former editor-in-chief of
Emerge magazine and the
NNPA News Service, isa
keynote speaker, moderator,
and media coach. He can be
reached through his Web
site, Www. ans ei com

oa IN Date
/ 2008

\ ya

Smee eee Oo

Why Do » We Fight the N-Word Then Support Americar.
er? They T Te Both Saying the Same Thing-Nit*er. ne
06; St dy.

ie and down wes the n-word,

2 ahead a

and say, oDaddy, I think I
want to be a ni**a when I
grow up. ?
So we need to shake off our
brainwashing, and start
focusing on the substantive
issues in our community,
because our behavior
indicates that our most.
tenacious shackle is at-
tached to our minds. We in
the Black community need
to ask ourselves a series of |
Very simple questions, and
answer them honestly. We
need to ask ourselves, do

we truly want to elevate our
et community out of its cur-
oc stp Saag - et coun not rent condition, or not? Do
the icture of the The right t0.a job we want to bring an end to
pictur and a living wage, the right to F the epidemic of kids killing
Organize and bargain =; Kids on the street, or not?
collect vel, the rightto _ 20 we want our _ |
! housingS?,? ?these is issues were ©." sto pr of view, the word ler cag a Pon? If we're satisfied with i
the next stage in his struggle: © we dor n sents any person, of any producing misery, dysfunc-
eee | Phata?,??"?s why the current wh vce ret, race, who takes pride inhis. _tion, and crime, then fine-
When a ns NS Gtea press focus on the sniping ind why the police s "stupidity, So as I see it, as long - we're doing an excellent job
b he knew a day like this might between the vhenever they see us any- 8 We allow oursely. ves to get "_of that. But if it Ts truly =
cali Ho mnely we n campaigns i isa us ople. ? all worked up over a word, important to us to produce
would dangerous distraction, While at the same time, we all doctors, law
brn ube by he ste ED 2 ro ice: a. yers, scientists,
state of oa : ) _ but ignore our kids killing kids and scholars, we've gotto
: iP. Fe cognize that our current
ie + year olds into beva indicates that
commu-: we Tre either lyin Wo
onity Hockisa tothe movies, selves, or living Me a
n en ay Eee State of denial.
ae om about our stupidity, we're doing ta one:
in the subprime mortgage ~ the word oni**a ?, in mo io children scoala
crisis, millions face losing Opinion, is being prolif cally holding a sirloin stake up
oe oe Wages are more ter assassina- ; oNder-utilized, The best way to. before a Starving man, then
a | i become rou- Void being called a ni**er is. telling him to just say no,
obably | to rise above a a How can wee our
: t. i iabey em ne calling ae lnm hig
ne Thee hae ives, to make ae
been that, - You see, any racist who " sacrifices to become schol.
ne past. Would call an y of these broth- ars, While we flock to the
let ani**a is then faced with movies in droves to
nyper- the task of rb tee eae that fey who literall
cial, he Ts Superior to these If in riches way of
oni as, and very few people crime? Why should our :
can meet that some young Prope waste their
sh mate time in the pursuit excel. |
at b o ou le 7 ea
Ying Over there-he Ty a ni" oT. with wn pee au we Dee
ng up "SON Would probably look at continue next page...
be ne ota v aa Pakage blpelen } At 8 4 3
; \


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You missue the woman of

a gun and start a fight than to

~~ Black Man, Black Man,

wi Why do you do the things
Mrs Beatrice Maye « rae! 5 ae z
BLACK MAN on Why do you wear your pants
Black Man, Black Man, T _. handing down so low? Don Tt T
oWhat's the matter with = . you know people are
you? ? Why do you do the - watching you where so ever
things you do? You fight © ~ you go. Pull those pants up
your father, you kill your ©. and stand up straight. Look
brother, You sell your sister like somebody it Ts-not too
and steal from your mother. _ late, cut that hair, maybe
Black Man, Black Man, shave, put those guns down
oWhat Ts the matter with and turn from your wicked
you? ? Why do youdothe ways. |
things you do? Black Man, love your brother
Why do you think making show more love one to
babies makes you a man? another, give your life to
When you wort even take, God, He will help. Accepting
care of the child, I don Tt Christ is your first step.
understand. Being a man: |
doesn Tt start between your "_ "_ Black, Black Man, you can Tt
legs. Being aman starts in _fight out your pain. Give
your head. your life to Christ and you'll
| never be the same. Dr. King
Black Man, Black Man, said, oWe shall overcome
oWhat Ts wrong with you? ? some day. ?
Why do you do the things you

do? You blame the white By: Emestine Lynch

man when you don Tt succeed. Tarboro North Carolina
Don Tt you know God has all ; |
you need? The white man Given to | Mrs ©
didn Tt make you rape, kill,or Beatrice Maye by The Late
steal. You did that out of your Eugene Faison and his wife
own free will. Richardine

Black Man, Black Man... -s,.. +.
oWhat's wrong with you? ? ~~

yout ow color You take the
~ antother. You'd rather pick up
/ oTay'them down and do what Ts °

oHome is where the money


Minority Voice January 18 - 25, 2008 pg3_


Buying a home is a priority

investment and if you already
Own, investigate investment


properties. ?
Build your financial future

| _ and create a solid portfolio
oWhat's wrong with you? ? Don Tt forget about cost for
"Why doyoudo the things cides efeaton

- Don't forget to protect your
~ loved ones with a will

You'll also need coverage in

case you Tre unable to work.

Almost one in five women of
working age will have to

leave the work force at some
point due to injury or illness.

Make sure you have disability


Protect your home with ample
home owner Ts insurance.

As hy)


Make it a goal to put 15%
aside to grow. |

TWS | He


o3 TT Cee uw = a & g nae * aaa 2

Also, make it a goal to live

Off 85% or less of what you




| Try open water swimming.
2 Cut back on corn.

_ 3.Don Tt be afraid to get dirty

4 Turn work into your work-
out .

5 Waltz your way to better

6 Detox your household
cleaning products

7 Bite into dark chocolate

8 Give a health-care gift card
9 Dump your prescription
pills safely

10 Get screened for an STD
11Find a book worth talking
about , ;

12 Change your reading
habits " |

13 Yawn! _.
14 Build memories through "

15Go to Ivy League classes
online :

"16 Make a oNot-to-do-list ?

17 Swing by your local
(get and use a library card) :

aly 3 H m
eo | on

18 Read an international 38 Recycle your Christmas
newspaper tree
19 Sign up for an RSS 39 Share ideas at
( oreally simple syndica- _
tion ?) feed reader 40 Commit orandom acts of
20 Study geography _ kindness ?
21 Put the freeze on iden- 41 Avoid recalls: Make your
tity theft own toys
22 Analyze your investing 42 Go see a play or musical
Strategy 43 Visit Shea Stadium or
23 Hedge your portfolio Yankee Stadium before
24 Use your mobile phone they Tre gone
for everything 44 Avoid air travel delays
25 Switch to geothermal 45 Try wines from unex-_
heating pected places
26 Get a raise 46Brew a better cup of coffee
27 Click on compact 47 Be daffy: Celebrate Tex .
fluorescent lights Avery Ts Birthday (the man
28 Set up a Roth 401(k) who invented Daffy Duck and
29 Use software to catalog gave Bugs Bunny that
your property famouse catchphrase)
30 Donate your money 48 Get a coupon for a digital
better to charity TV converter (upgrade that
31 Take your kids into the old TV antenna) -
voting booth~ 49 Pick up the next Harry ?
32 Remember the life of Potter-style epic
Martin Luther King,Jr. 50 Knit a sweater, hipster
33 Listen better style
34 Learn American Sign
Language Taken from U. S. News &
35 Stop drinking bottled World Report
water December 21,2007/Jan
36 Adopt a dog 7,2008 a
37Volunteer for your local
_ fire department



Special Notice millionaire by the age of 40, T The N--- Word (continued from previous
a , * and president ang CEO of one ~Company is headquartered in ( page)
- . - 9... Of the largest minority-owned Kernersville, NC where he Why Do We Fight the N-Word Then Support American __
To all Dau ghters of Isis and manufacturers and distributors _ has a huge manufacturing Gangster? They Tre Both Saying the Same Thing-Ni**er
Prince Hall Shriners: of professional hair and _ facility with more than 200 |
Ae | 7 , personal care products in the products being ned sod fiunboyance of wealth we from yon a activity?
: yOu: ike to vi United States. a sales force of 500 people. " After all, their mothers, w y sincerely ; |
Suaje We A. Jones eS a ike ap eet yr ae Bee a = Want fo impress, can Tt seem to tell the difference, and
. Arabian Court # 53 and the Born to Gilmer and Clara " In acampus like setting, the their fathers would be walking on air, because they're
"audio of the Isis song, Log Dudley, Joe is one of eleven Dudley Products Company wearing their caps sideways themselves.So our community is
on to: ore ohildren - all college - shas expanded into other areas, sending out a grossly inconsistent message. On the one hand,
o "" "* graduates, In 1957, Joe went including the highly _ we become insulted when we get on an elevator and ladies
to Brooklyn, NY to seek cosmi pull their purses close, yet we wholeheartedly support our
~ employment for his college community being portrayed as a cesspool of crime to people


ats o4 we're proud, instead of addréssing those issues that allow

ition, One day he inquired Cosr ivers
siiapeetoes has trained more than 20,000

all around the world; and while we say that we're Black and "
-of a man selling prod ' |

: learned students worldwide. The people to call us ni**as, we'd rather take the shortcut of
es a a ape gh aRose, also have built the Dudley trying to abolish the word-which makes us look even more
Joe Dudley has built a ver Morgan product, which Hotel and Convention Center, "idiculous, since the more we say we hate it, the more
~ ? eventually became the Fuller The three Dudley children all Useful to the word becomes. And finally, with our
ats). Products Company __ with post-graduate degrees Starstruck attitude towards crime, criminals, and
_ He accomplish nity ee from Ivy League schools had °timinal behavior, how can we tell our young people to
AM this with the ne The Fuller Products Company oto work their own way just say no ? to a fantasy that we can Tt resist ves? So we
+ OF $10 and with his wife was the largest black-owned Eroigh ection! need to sit down and get our priorities and fast.
_ Eunice, who was therefrom ,..., y at that time, 4 er I want to end this tirade by pointing out that whilel "-
) day one. He has builta marie sed well over $ 10 net mentioned Denzel, it is not my intent to drop all of
~~ thriving business~the million in tevermes. end Extracted: this in his lap. The brother has always been, and I Tm
Dudley Products Company tne ditichinalne-force wt as sure he always will be, one of the bright spots in the
with over 200 products in the of § D iividests pala Reference by Black community. But I hope in his future endeavors
hair Care and cosmetology - continued to work at Fuller Joe's Autobiography he Il recognize that he Ts got too much clout and...
business. hen by the end of believability to do movies like oTraining Day ? and
: Products when by Walking by Faith oAmerican Gangster ? without having a negative impact on
But growing up, Joe was: _ the summer he was doing ean ~. Our community, He should do movies that lift up the
by his teachers as well as his future wife Eunice, a hard- like oGreat Debaters, ? the other movie he did this year.
having a speech impediment. charging self-assured young "_ Note: In that movie he challenges young Black people to oDo
He was going out withthe "_17-yearold.teenager who had. ..¢ * "what you've got to do, so you can do wiiat You want to T
most beautiful girl in his also joined the Fuller Products One of the Dudley brothers 4k" That's the scan that young peotivennd 90 bee
school when she Company to make money for settled in Kinston, NC, where But it Tll be interesting to see which one of the two
him, because she wanted to "_her own college tuition as he operatedacab company, movies will do best in the Black
have osmart children ? which well. They continued to sell and his wife, Mary, taught at Unfortunately, my money is on oAmerican Gangster ?-and
she said would be impossible _ for the Fuller Company, the old Eppes High School that Ts a damn shame.
with him, oThat joltedme . moving to Chicago to become Pee alata of : Eric L, Wattree
into the reality of what other sident of Fuller, ~Mr.Adam ll. Mary is a ewattree. com
people thought of me and Eventually, after moving back member of Arabian Court, # Eric L. Wattree, Sr. n can be
how they saw me, I decided to North Carolina and 42, Daughters of Isis, New reached at:
there and then, from that day expanding their sales force Bem, NC. wattree@,
Today Joe Louis Dudley,


View Image 4

Minority Voice January

18 - 25, 2008 pg4

~ Celebrating The Anniversary Of

_ Civil Rights Revisited Mr JimRouse,

by Francis Taylor,
Sentinel Staff Writer

If Rev., Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr., were alive today, he would
"be looking forward to his 79th
birthday on January 15. Many
have attempted over the years to
ponder how he would feel and
what he would say about many
of the conditions and
circ*mstances that have befallen
Black people since his
assassination in Memphis,
Tennessee on April 4, 1968.

From the relatively recent brutal
police beating of Rodney King
that sparked the Los Angeles
Race Riots to the police killing
of Tyisha Miller in Riverside,
California and countless other
acts of undeniable police
misconduct against Blacks
across the nation; an apparent
deterioration of the Black

family; the abysmal rate of
Black high school graduates: the
proliferation of unwed Black
teenage mothers, and nearly
every other category that
compares and contrasts the
condition of Blacks in the

' United States, then and now, one
may wonder whether or not the
tireless work of Dr. King and
other civil rights activists has
made a real difference in our

Arguably the most notable Black
man in modern history, King
will forever be known as the
father of the civil rights
movement, the man who
through non-violent means, led
the struggle for de-segregation
and equality for Black ©
Americans, and the man who
had a dream for a color-blind
America, :

Despite the modest progres

States, in 66 itrast to T lh

of examples of racial T
discrimination against Blacks in
employment, education,

economic empowerment, police ,

treatment, and many other
examples that point to a society
that remains lacking in true
equality, King would most
certainly be pleased with the
accomplishments of democratic
presidential candidate, Barack "
Obama, and more specifically,
the citizens of lowa and New

It appears that Obama is poised
to symbolically deliver on one .
of the dreams King expressed on
the steps of the Lincoln
Memorial in Washington, D.C.,
at the March On Washington,
the greatest demonstration for
freedom in the history of our
nation, T on August 28, 1963,

In that speech, which ranks at
the top of the most powerful
rations in the history of our
nation, along with Abraham
Lincoln Ts Gettysburg Address,
and credited with mobilizing
Blacks as well as Whites to
Support desegregation and
prompted the 1964 Civil Rights
Act and a year later the Voting
Rights Act, King expressed a
dream for his four children,

oI have a dream that my four
little children will one day live

Aside from Obama Ts surprising

momentum however, one might

seek to understand why did it

take so long for King Ts dreams

to be resoundingly displayed in-
. »America,

As a participant in the historical
March On Washington in 1963,
this writer has first-hand
recollection of the coming-
together of men, women and
children of all ages, races, and
religious backgrounds who were
moved by King Ts message and
who were inspired to take that
message, and hope, back to their
respective communities.

Baby-boomers, like myself,
those born in the late 1940s and
in the 1950s still have vivid

memories of a life and struggle
in this country that seems to

have been lost among many of
the children and most of the
grandchildren of those baby
boomers. |

They cannot visualize the
television images of Blacks
being attacked by water hoses,
police dogs, and billy-club T ?
armed police officers on Bloody
Sunday in Selma, Alabama in
1964. They cannot fathom being
denied food service at many
neighborhood restaurants in.
nearly every city in the nation.
And while many may know the

name, the new generation of

Blacks may not appreciate the
decision Rosa Parks made to
ignore Jim Crow Laws, which T
subsequently launched the

successful 382-Day Bus Boycott

in Birmingham, Alabama that:
ultimately led the Supreme
Court to outlaw racial
segregation on any form of
public transportation.

. They do not have any.
conception of the number of
Black-owned business


being denied entrance to a White
movie theater and later allowed
to enter and sit in the Colored
Section T only.

Unfortunately also, many of the
offspring of those baby-boomers
cannot grasp the feeling of
learning that their parent was
denied a job or promotion
opportunity because of their
Black skin. They will never have
the opportunity to sit with an
aunt, grandparent or other
family member who was able to
talk about their parents Tearing
in a segregated South or as a
slave. .

Similarly, they are generally
oblivious to the fact that King,
along with the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference
(SCLC) and other civil rights
leaders and organizations ©
marched, demonstrated, and
were frequently arrested and
tossed in jail, in pursuit of the
right to vote, equal
Opportunities, and other liberties
that are now usually taken for


At the same time it is also
prudent to point-out other
BGO Ts (blind glimpses of the
obvious). Young people today

, do not have to hear the repeated

in a nation where they will not tales of their aficestors walking

ewe eed Pe ee

be judged by the color of their five miles to school. They
skin but by the content of their cannot imagine asking for a
_ character, ? He said. dollar on a Sunday afternoon
that would allow them to go to a
Obama, who many believe movie, buy some popcorn, and
would not be a'serious | have a hamburger, fries and a
presidential candidate, because ghake on the way home, Five
of his Black skin, soundly cents for a candy bar, and $8.95
defeated his opponents in a state for a pair of Converse All Stars
with less than two percent basketball shoes, is about as real
Blacks, As his wave of multi. to them as ET T. :
racial support follows him from ya
lowa to New Hampshire, then While the comparative list goes
South Carolina and Supe »»* om and on, there are some things
Tuesday, on February 5,it that have not changed, despite
would certainly appear that at the dreams of Dr, King, the
least in his case, the nation is. apparent success of Barack
_ Supporting him because they are ama, or the phenomenal
__ Captivated by his message and. _. gyécess of h, Denzel, 50-
_ hot detracted by the color Of his Gent; BET's Bob Johnson, and
__ kin color. thousands of other extremely

successful Black doctors,

~ level. The oasis of freedom and

~ Survive the evolving integration
movement, They cannot imagine

lawyers, entrepreneurs, and
others, across the board,

The playing field is still not

justice T King longed for in
August of 1963 has not been
realized for the majority of
Blacks in America.

It is therefore, incumbent upon "
all Blacks to remain mindful of
the struggle and the events of
the Civil Rights Movement, We
must teach our young people
our history so that we man
inspire them to achieve all that .
they are capable of achieving...
We must celebrate our history
and the struggle of our ancestors
so that eventually freedom will
ring T and we will all obe able to
join hands and sing in the words
of the old Negro spiritual, oFree
at last, free at last! Thank God
Almighty, we are free at last. ?

Devoted Listener si Evangelist Pratt, one of Joy 1340 Ts listeners was on hand for the celebra-

tion. We thank you and all that were present for this great occassion.
3 . 3 photo Elder Michael Adams

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= = OTA


View Image 5

Minority Voice January 18
Excerpt from King Ts
Final Speech .

I Tve Seen The Promised

I Tm delighted to see each of you
here tonight in spite of a storm _
warning. You reveal that you are
nee ee on anyhow.
omething is happening in
Memphis, something is
happening in our world.

As you know, if I were standing
at the beginning of time, with
the possibility of general and
panoramic view of the whole
human history up to now, and
the Almighty said to me,
oMartin Luther King, which age
would you like to live in? ? " |
would take my mental flight by
Egypt through, or rather across
the Red Sea, through the
wilderness on toward the
promised land. And in spite of
its magnificence, I wouldn Tt stop
there. I would move on by

, and take my mind to
Mount Olympus. And I would
see Plato, Aristotle, Socrates,
Euripides and Aristophanes
assembled around the Parthenon
as they discussed the great and
eternal issues of reality,

But I wouldn Tt stop there. I
would go on, even to the great
heyday of the Roman Empire.
And I would see developments
around there, through various
emperors and leaders. But I
wouldn Tt stop there. I would
?,?ven come up to the day of the
Renaissance, and get a quick
Picture of all that the
Renaissance did for the cultural
and esthetic life of man. But I -
wouldn Tt stop there. I would
even go by the way that the man
for whom I Tm named had his
habitat. And I would watch
Martin Luther as he tacked his
ninety-five theses on the door at
the church in Wittenberg.

But I wouldn Tt stop there. I
would come on up even to 1863,
and watch a vacillating president
by the name of Abraham
Lincoln finally come to the
conclusion that he had to sign
the Emancipation Proclamation.
But I wouldn Tt stop there. I
would even. come up the early

es, and see a man grappling | |

With the problems of the
bankruptcy of his nation. And
come with an eloquent cry that
we have nothing to fear but fear
itself, |

But I wouldh Tt stop there.
Strangely enough, I would turn
to the Almighty, and say, oIf you
allow me to live just a few years
in the second half of the
twentieth century, I will be
happy. ? Now that Ts a strange
statement to make, because the
world is all messed up. The
nation is sick. Trouble is in the
land. Confusion all around.
That Ts a strange statement, But I
know, somehow, that only when
it is dark enough, can you see
the stars. And I see God working
in this period of the twentieth
century in a way that men, in
some strange way, are
responding "something is
happening in our world, The
masses of people are rising up.
And wherever they are
assembled today, whether they
are in Johannesburg, South
Africa; Nairobi, Kenya: Accra,
Ghana; New York City; Atlanta,
Georgia; Jackson, Mississippi;
or Memphis, Tennessee "the cry
is always the same " ?We want
to be free. ?

And ig a Be that I Tm

Py to live in this period is
on we have been forced to a
point where we're going to have
to grapple with the problems
that men have been trying to
grapple with through history, but
the demands didn Tt force them
to do it. Survival demands that
we grapple with them, Men, for
years now, have been talki
about war and peace. But now,
no longer can they just talk
about it. It is no longer a choice
between violence and
nonviolence in this world; it Ts
nonviolence or nonexistence,

That is where we are today, And
also in the human rights
revolution, if something isn Tt

- 25, 2008 pg6

The L

il Willie Center Shinning Star In A Strong Community _

done, and in a hurry, to bring the

colored peoples of the world out
Speech cont. pg 9


View Image 6

Minority Voice January 18 - 25, 2008 pg8

people of God to declare the name of God, and (8) National Accreditation hisowmecae
simply saynotothe Walk in the authority that He For Further Information, Contact ;
devil. has given each believer, Gweadelyh She rrod, MBA, MHA |
The Word of God declares that Choose to tell the devil ono. ? Me curries 4 (Office) ;
Sow A Seed He would not have us ignorant Rise up in 2008; understand (252) 378-5834 (Cell)
of Satan Ts devices. However, that ono weapon formed against sneumeeiiiediasnesmnees 5
Joy R. Brown we have underestimated the You in 2008 shall ane ge You :
| power of God and elevated the ?"?ay feel the affects but it will
This article was submitted power of Satan by glorifying not overtake you. You are more

only myself but for
God Ts _ people.
Many times the
body of Christ is
mesmerized by
catchy clichés that
promise success
throughout the year.
For example, in
2006, eVerything

opened heaven; but
for 2008, I want the

It Ts time for the people of God
to arise and step into the divine
assignment for your life.

The devil comes to steal, kill,
and destroy, but when Jesus
stepped on the scene, He came
that we might have life more
abundantly. It is not God Ts will
for those who claim the name

His will for the people of God
in 2008 to rise to the occasion,

Word -in-your-tife, if -you'can
only believe. Say no to the

devil in 2008, refuse_to

succumb to the devil Ts schemes
and tactics, and finally walk in
the victorious life ordained for

Rise up and walk in Jesus T

by my pastor, ..Pastor what he does, I am reminded than a conqueror through Christ Martin Luther
Vanessa R. Byrd. Pastor of Luke 10: 19, oBehold, I give Who strengthens you. Walk in Ki koe:
Byrdis the founder and nto you power to tread upon 2008 with the mindset to boast : ing Quo es
pastor.of Paradise Outreach serpents and scorpions and over in the Lord for the marvelous Po _
and Raleigh, North Carolina. nothing by no means shall harm In 2008, we shall walk lie -- " "__
eel Baan apse manifested promises of God.
eclared that we have no n ; 8
owe haus NO longer shall the:-Word that , +x
As | entered into the year of iyi a Nbnrg ve or God has spoken concerning the Nonviolence is the answer to : aS aetrex
2008, I received a Rhema opower ?, delega LL body of Christ be prolonged. the crucial political and moral vas .
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Martin Luther King, Jr., 4
Nobel Prize acceptance
speech, Stockholm, Sweden, |
December 11, 1964,

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wae, cuneenecpemgeiee che aera RS ae ra orate reer
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And that Ts all this whole thing is
Speech 99 © ay about, We aren Tt engaged in any
negative protest and in an
f their long years of poverty, paves e noch ng that we
eir long years of hurt and are determined to be men, We
eglect, the whole world is are determined to be people. We
oomed, Now, I Tm just happy are saying that we are God's
at God has allowed me to live shlidetn, had that we don Tt have
cil period, Wo see wheels. Ea Hes We NM to te
nfolding. And I Tm happy that
¢ Ts allowed me to be in Now, what does all of this mean
emphis, in this great period of history? It
can remember, I can remember pas Moe
hen Negroes were Just going together and maintain unity, You
ound as Ralph has said, so know, whenever Pharaoh wanted
ften, scratching where the to sine ong the period of slavery
idn Tt itch, and laughing when in ie he had a favorite
cy were not tickled, But that favorite formula for it,
y is all over. We mean What was that? He kept
usiness now, and we are slaves fighting am
termined to gain our rightful

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themselves, But whenever the

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Slaves get together, something
happens in Pharaoh's court, and
he cannot hold the slaves in
slavery. When the slaves get
together, that Ts the beginning of
getting out of slavery, Now let
us maintain unity.

Secondly, let us keep the issues
where they are, The issue is
oe issue is the refusal
of Memphis to be fair and
honest in its dealings with its
oye servants, who to
sanitation workers. Now,
we've got to keep attention on
that. That's always the problem
be a little Mire ana Aon
and the press dealt only with the
window-breaking. I read the

continue pg l4,..,


Minority Voice January 18 - 25, 2008 pg9

If a man hasn Tt discovered something
that he will die for, he isn Tt fit to live.

Martin Luther
King Quotes |


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Martin Luther King, Jr., speech, Detroit,
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View Image 8

Minority Voice January 18 - 25, 2008 pg

(919) 413-0413
January 18, 2008 " 7

Local Obama Supporters Board the Bus to South Carolina

Raleigh, NCNearly $0 Jocal Obama supporters will board bu
Saturday morning to head to Florence, SC to put shoe leather to

or the Obama campaign. The group, heralding from Raleigh, D

164 dsc you we ine you to jn olden Stale Miu

and Charlotte, plans to canvas in 5 South Carolina T Cities: Florence,
Kingstree, Hemingway, Marion and Bennettsville.

cee se
ob é a
or 88.

Brad Thompson; local organizer for the trip, says that a lot of people

want the opportunity to. do more than just send in money, oWe've a

organized several fundraisers locally, and have been Pleased with the
response, ? Thompson says. oHowever, South Carolina is a key state in
what I believe will be a historic campaign. We wanted to help
mobilize folk to not just make a decision, but to act on it. That is why
we will be encouraging our South Carolina neighbors to turn out in.
force to support Barack Obama. ? eee

The group will depart at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, January 19 and travel ;
to Florence, from where each van will be dispatched to the other
designated cities, __ ee ne
Brad Thompson can be reached at 919-740-0110

. wh

Martin Luther
King Quotes They are th

iain 85. Call today for an appointment at 252-795-3777. Stop by Cedar Hill Funeral Service,
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Justice. Justice at its best is | Pith mse Loon i : cot tai

love correcting everything ACES RENNER . - " "

that stands against ,

~ Jove.

Coty a 41.9

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Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Where Do We Go from Here:
Chaos or Community?, 1967,

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View Image 9

=, atmosphere was huge. ...And,
| fo win in an overwhelmingly

cont from front pg ... Barack Obama
the Man Who Can be President

_ Barack Obama, the junior
Illinois senator whom
doubters believe lacks the
experience needed for the.
nation Ts highest office, swept
the first Democratic caucus in
Iowa and went head-to-head
with Senator Hillary Clinton *
during New Hampshire Ts
primary, two states with an
overwhelming White !

Although it may be too soon ~
~ todetermine which .
Democratic candidate will
ultimately receive the 2008
bid for the presidency, some
say that Obama Ts successes
thus far are quite telling.

oTowa was a huge victory, ?
| Said Mitchell Schwartz,

| Obama Ts campaign director
for the state of California. oTo.
win by eight points in such a-
| highly competitive =

White state means people are
open to. our candidacy, ?

| In Iowa, a state with a 95

| percent White population and
two percent Black, Obama

| beat out his opponents with

| 38 percent of the vote while
John Edwards and Clinton
trailed behind with 30 percent
and 29 percent, respectively.

On the grounds during the

| caucus was Dr, David
Washington who gave his
hypothesis regarding the win.
oI think we won in Iowa
because of the first-time
caucus goers. ...When you
hear of first-time caucus-
goers you think of someone

© who has never voted before; ;
| But! put forth the hypothesis

that a lot of these first-time

? caucus-goers were first time

Democratic caucus-goers "

. people who were Republicans
and are Independents that

| have never taken part in the

_ Democratic caucus who came
because they Tre so inspired by
this guy named Barack |
Obama and his message of
hope and change that they
wanted to be a part of all of
this. ?

Both Washington and
Schwartz were hoping for

_ another victory in New
Hampshire, which also has an
overwhelming White
population of 97 percent and
a small Black population of
one percent, However, the
scales tipped slightly more for
Clinton, Their neck-and-néck
race ended with Clinton
holding 39 percent of the vote
and Obama at 37 percent. The
tight race showed that
Obama Ts message of change
continues to resonate
throughout the country,

Born to a Kenyan father and
White mother, Obama spent


work in Chicago before *'

_ to the Illinois State Senate

~ That year, he delivered his

his childhood in Hawaii and
Indonesia struggling to find

himself while under his ~

mother Ts watch (his parents
divorced when he was two).

After high school, he moved
to Los Angeles to attend
Occidental College and then
transferred to Columbia
University. He then »
developed a career in social .

attending Harvard Law |
School and becoming the first
Black president ofthe _ "
prestigious Harvard Law

In 1997, Obama was elected

where he cut his political

teeth for seven years before
he burst on the national scene.
in 2004. "

inspiring keynote address at
the Democratic National :
Convention and in November,
he became the fifth Black

U.S. Senator in history and

the third sinee Reconstruction ©


The married father of two,
Obama has never been shy

about sharing his background :

and concern for family.
values, basing most of his
election platform on his social
work experience in Chicago.

After shying away from
religion early in his life, he
now attends Trinity United
Church in Christ in Chicago.
He credits his conversion to -

~ realizing the power African-
_ Americans churches have had
in encouraging social change. ,

His journey toward self-
discovery along with his
message of change and a hope

for a better America have

appealed to a broad audience
and now that audience is
being gathered to cast their
votes for him.

With two states already
decided, one caucus and three
more primaries to go this
month, and Super Duper
Tuesday opening next month,
Schwartz and the Obama
campaigners are focused on
the work ahead.

In California, which shares its
primary date with 19 other
states on February 5,.efforts . .

are well underway.

Assembly Member Majority
Leader Karen Bass, who co-
chairs the California African
Americans for Obama
Campaign with San Francisco
District Attorney Kamala
Harris, is holding regular
conference calls with the
Black media to keep the press
informed. And Robert Cole,
serving as director of African


DOOR 252.757-0425 ask for Mike

American outreach in
California, is galvanizing a
massive grassroots program
that recruits precinct captains
throughout the state in an
effort to personally contact
every registered member of
the Democratic Party in


: The next stop on the

Democratic campaign trail is

__ the Michigan primary,

followed by the Nevada
caucus, South Carolina
primary and Florida primary.
California Ts primary is set for

: February 5, Super Duper

Tuesday. |

_ For more information

regarding Obama for

_ America, visit



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Minority Voice January 18-25,2008pgll ==



View Image 10

hig SCRA OE,

Dra 2 a C1 oa

arp a i ® t ?
\) » OD anid) * WVd

A A ana ® A
00 Pat al a ASLOtia °

The Minority Voice is °
owned and operated by
Jim Rouse Communications
We reserve the right to edit an
news or information received
according to our editorial needs
We will not edit anything in
such a way as to be misleading
or that would fundamentally
alter the accuracy or intent of
the original information,

Home Office
405E vans Street P.O.Box 8361
Greenville,NC27835 3
Phone: (252) 757-0365
Fax (252) 757-1793

Ee _ A.A. Jeffreys Distributing Co. LLC = agg T

Z ees | A :



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View Image 11

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View Image 12


MLK Speech cont... " PR E.OWN c D T \




articles. They very seldom got C ae RTIFIED
around to mentioning the fact mee
that one thousand, three hundred Used Vehicles
sanitation workers were on
strike, and that Memphis is not 160 POINT INSPECTION 24 HOUR ROADSIDE ASSISTANc:
being fair to them, and that aca os eae anann od

' Mayor Loeb is in dire need of a sp RR a ee ABs is


doctor. They didn Tt get around to Jha "e 4 - = ine, |
that. | | i

M Voice T Jan 18 - 25, 2008 pgi4 See Our Online Specials

Now we're going to march
again, and we Tve got to march
again, in order to put the issue
where it is supposed to be. And
force everybody to see that there
are thirteen hundred of God Ts
children here suffering,
sometimes going hungry, going
through dark and dreary nights
wondering how this thing is os
going to come out, That's the Reg. Cab. SRS. Third
issue. And we've got to say to Local Trade, Row DVD
the nation: we know it Ts coming - Alloys,
out. For when people get caught Great MPG
up with that which is right and wenNre

they are willing to sacrifice for oF | Aa F :
eh mL mee FASTER
h o
We aren Tt going to let any mace Te ee
stop us. We are mastets in our ) oy eT
nonviolent movement in. sf a lle:

disarming police forces; they
don Tt know what to do. I Tve seen
them so often. I remember in
_ Birmingham, Alabama, when we
were in that majestic struggle
there we would move out of the
16th Street Baptist Church day
after day; by the hundreds we
would move out. And Bull
Connor would tell them to send
the dogs forth and they did
come; but we just went before
the dogs singing, oAin Tt gonna
let nobody turn me round. ? Bull
Connor next would say, oTurn
the fire hoses on. ? And as I said
to you the other night, Bull
Connor didn Tt know history. He
knew a kind of physics that
somehow didn Tt relate to the
transphysics that we knew
about. And that was the fact that
there was a certain kind of fire
that no water could put out. And
we went before the fire hoses: cue
we had known water. If we were CARS
Baptist or some other 2004 AUDI A-4
denomination, we had been Leather, Sunroof .............. $19,995
immersed. If we were 2007 DODGE CALIBER
Methodist, and some others, we OCIA 2 -( ssirinsneeess Bt Oy 750
had been sprinkled, but we knew 2003 FORD MUSTANG GT
water Convertible, loaded, Low Miles............. sseesseeessnee B11 By4OO
That couldn Tt stop us. And we #P8020, Sky Roof srsssvensaneenenvunnsetseensnnvies DOM OOO
Just went on before the dogs and BWW iaer iar IUNDERBIRD
we would look at them; and Rare Vehicle | $24,850
we'd go on before the water
hoses and we would look at it, Smooth ride and lots of features... $18,990
and we'd just go on singing. 2007 NISSAN ALTIMA $ :
Over my head I see freedom in | . | $18,990
the air. ? And then we would be SUV & VANS caren
thrown in the paddy wagons, 2005 NISSAN PATHFINDER LE
d sometimes we were stacked [ " " "nnanhelih ae ay
an 4 F 4x4, Leather, Sunroof... cee $24,995 0 due at signing on a brand new 4x2 Double Cab
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And they would throw us in, and ii ae Aa BOD TSOBY EX-L or $16,994, 5.71. v8 with 381 HP! (1/8241
old Bull would say, oTake them ale oe any Door 6 : sebivecnagesianys $25,900 Payments b ised o a 48 month lease mith i
off, ? and they did; and we would 2005 FORD FREESTYLE : seprare oe lit whe nile par aa pode
; : m Limited, Leather all the Goodies csssnvesisacstessteasion DE fg OO me Cereanter, plus tags tags and $298.00 DOC
Just goin the paddy wagon say Madd: a T fee. See dealer for details},
singing, oWe Shall Overcome. ? (AMSG $39,495
And every now and then we'd 1 DID,
get inthe jal, and we'd see the 2002 ee XS bi ee
jailers looking through the Bae teeoneetene vessssesrnnscansioes Died y OOD
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prayers, and being moved by our [AIUCNS ei ssvenssee 918,995
words and our songs. And there TRUCKS
"was a power.there which Bull 2005 GMC Sierra
Connor couldn Tt adjust to; and IWD Work TUCK wos cccccesccssee...... .. $19,950
so we ended up transforming 002 CHEVY AVALANCE
Bull into a steer, and we won Z71, 4x4 shavesebcod $16,850
our struggle in Birmingham, 2004 KIA SEDONA
White, Leather, #26181A, .. $9,995

ee aes
Pea ae aon

Now we've got to go on to '
Memphis just like that, I call A $4)
upon. you to be with us Monday. | Bec ) ¥11,920
ow about injunctions: We have LESS NPERCECT CH 9
into Court tomorrow morning to, Be As Ba S
fight this illegal, ave Programs | a
unconstitutional injunction, All oace '
we say to America is, oBe true to |

what you said on paper, ? If I PALI 1 TAVATA @ la We
lived in China sain Russia, or 07.1 800-NEV iVTU TA ie
any totalitarian country, maybe I | " " " " " "

jen on the denial of

ce ic First Amendment ato ; .

privileges, because they hadn't See our online specials @
committed themselves to that :

over there. But somewhere | " " ]

read of the freedom of assembly, = letoyota. we por: | | yo | )
Somer read ofthe y M/k 3615 S. MEMORIAL DRIVE (HWY 11)
read ofthe freedom of the prose Bll p | A oe | } |
Saati ws ROMO Ry moe 551-2000

ony taggin : or toll-free:

ay ijn tu ws around , oo! a Se Habla Espanol 1-800-NEW-TOYOTA


Why would you go anywhere else?

The Minority Voice, January 18-25, 2008 (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 6644

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.